Prom night part 2

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      Me and Carl danced the whole night we never left each others arms it was amazing I felt alive again. I was caught in a beautiful moment of Carl Gallagher a moment I never thought would happen but it did.

I hope you enjoyed your night , you look beautiful Y/N.

I did Gallagher and I will forever cherish this moment.

I love you..

I love you too Gallagher *kisses*.

*Now time for prom king and queen*.

Better be me and my beautiful princess.

"I wouldn't mind" I say holding his hand.

Student : And this winners are....DOMINIQUE AND CARL GALLAGHER.

My heart froze I let go of his hand and looked at him.

"Congrats Gallagher" I say as I slightly smile.

I'm not gonna go up there without you.

Just go get the crown soak it all in , I'll be here.

He kisses my forehead and goes on stage to collect his crown they tried to make him dance with Dom but he refused and grabbed my hand and danced with me instead , Dom had a mad look on her face the whole time but , she knew Carl hated her. After we danced the rest of the night , the limo driver came back and dropped us off at the hotel Carl rented for us.

The room is amazing Gallagher.

All for you beautiful.

Do you wanna go swimming ??

The pool is closed I already checked.

So ??

We can't get in..

Oh Gallagher don't act like you haven't ever snuck in somewhere come on.

Okay okay I didn't bring my bathing suit though.

"Neither do I" I say with a smirk.

We skinny dipped for a hour just talking about life and what we have been through , and playing around in the pool it was really fun and relaxing.


Yes ?

Why do you love me ?

Is that even a question.

I'm being for real.

We'll see Y/N your beautiful , your not afraid to get down and dirty , your willing to do anything for the people you love and your not a easy person to get which makes me want you more.

Take me to the room...

Don't even gotta say it twice *smirks*.

He put a towel over me and him and carried me into the room and slammed me on the bed after that it was all just pleasure and love. The next morning we got up and left the hotel and came back home , it was still really early so we just went into Carl's bed and cuddled and both fell asleep.

Good morning beautiful..

Good morning love.

I have to tell you something important and I don't want you to get upset.

Uh okay.

He kissed my cheek and told me to go get some cloths on and come downstairs with the rest of the family will be waiting.

I got into my room and put shorts on and one of Carl's shirts because all mine where cropped , then I brush my teeth and hair then head downstairs. I saw Carl standing , everyone sitting on the couch except Frank he was on the floor sleeping. I could tell Carl told them already I was the only one that haven't gotten the bad news.

Okay so what is it Gallagher ?

What do you think the "bad news" will be ? Find out soon , also thank you for 1k reads I really appreciate it all I love you guys. I have a Shameless Instagram account it's
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