Will you ? Chapter - 51

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    I walked carefully down the stairs, all the way to the front door. When I opened the door I saw medium sized Carl standing in the door way in a suit and tie with his arm out ready for mine to connect.

"Wow Y/N I'm lost for words, you look hot as fuck my love." Carl smirks looking me up and down.

"Thank you for everything today, it was all so nice." I smile looking at him.

"Don't thank me yet, we still have tonight." Carl says opening the car door for me.

"So where are we going handsome ?" I question

"We are going to a restaurant on the water." He looks ahead driving.

"Wow we are going for the rich snobs of Chicago look tonight, I dig it." I laugh


    Me and Carl got drinks and ate, after that we went out on a beautiful dock where there where pretty fish and a beautiful sunset.

"You really do look lovely tonight." Carl glances over at me.

"Thank you , you always look amazing Gallagher." I smile

"There's something that has been on my mind lately." He rubs the back of his neck.

"Is this a breakup ?" I frown

"No-no way Y/N !!" Carl stutters

"Then what is it ?" I ask

   As I glanced back over to him I saw him turn over to me looking me in the eyes and dropping on one knee while grabbing a tiny box out of his fancy pocket.

"Y/N, these past 3-4 years have been the best years of my life , you've been there for me when I was in my worst moments and my best moments. We've been together for 2-3 years now, I think it's time to take it to the next step.
Y/F/N will you do the honors of being a Gallagher and marry me?" Carl looks up into my eyes.

"YES CARL A BILLION TIMES YES!!" I screamed jumping into his arms.

   So many people around us where cheering us on and clapping, the moment felt so special and pure. I was happy, I was gonna marry the love of my life. After celebrating at the restaurant me and Carl went over to the alibi to share the news with the bar crew.


"Hey hey hey look who it is !!" Steve screams across the bar.

"You may now call me Y/N Gallagher." I smile showing off the ring.

 "No fucking way, my man!!" Steve says patting Carl on the shoulder

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"No fucking way, my man!!" Steve says patting Carl on the shoulder.

"Can me and my new wifey get a shot ?" Carl smirks looking over at me.

"Sure thing dude, congrats guys." Steve smiles handing us shots. 

"Hey babe how did you afford this ring ?" I question taking the shot.

"I saved up a lot and Bonnie also chipped in a little." Carl says taking his shot.

"Oh Bonnie helped ?" I look over to Carl.

"Yes, she says it's the least she can do, since after what she did to us." Carl says

"Oh yeah true , I'll have to thank her later." I shrug

"Well you two love birds better get going home, it's 2am and where about to close." Steve says opening the door.

"Okay okay where going, bye thank you!!" Carl screams

"Yeah bye" I smile

"Bye guys congrats." Steve says closing the door behind us.


This might be the one chapter , I don't make you guys pissed at haha. But make sure to check out my Ethan Cutkosky FanFic and also follow my Shamless Instagram it's,

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