Christmas Eve - Chapter 7

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** Weeks passed by. Dom and Carl started dating. He's been kinda spacey, but I just think that's in luck for me, because I don't wanna catch unknown feelings for him. It's Christmas Eve and Dom is coming over for Christmas Eve dinner. Personally, I didn't like her, and neither did Fiona. She never really admitted it, but I have. Anyways, I have a drug deal later tonight, so I won't be there for dinner.

*That morning*

"Carl get up it's litterally 12pm, we need to start preparing for the dinner tonight." Fiona says.

"Aight aight, lemme get these braids out my god damn head." He groans, in pain.

I go into the bathroom to see Carl taking out his braids, and when they are out he looks like a hot angel sent from above. I was speechless honestly, he looked stunning.

"Aye uh hello, close your mouth you gonna catch them flys." He smirks.

"Oh yea ok Gallagher, can I use the bathroom?" I asked, rolling my eyes.

"Go ahead, I'm not done taking them out." He says, turning back to the mirror.

"Fine." I say as I sit on the toilet and start peeing.

"Ew! you actually gonna do that in front of me?" He asks, staring at me.

"Good, I finally turn you off ." I laugh as I finish and wash my hands.

"You're something else Y/N.."

"Thanks Gallagher." I say with a smile.

* Later that night

The food is finally prepared.
"Y/N, can you get the door?" Fiona shouts from the kitchen.

"Uh, yea hold up" I say as I run down the stairs.

"Hello, ㅡoh, hi Dom." I say with slight disappointment.

"Uh, only my friends call me that, and you aren't one." She snarls, looking me up and down.

"Cool, I never liked you either but, come in." I say with gritted teeth and a pained smile.

"Carl your bitch is here!" I screamed upstairs to him, shutting the door behind her.

"I am not his bitch! ...I'm his princess." She says with confidence.

As she said those words, all I could do was laugh, so I did.

"What's so funny hoe? you tryna get hit?" Dominique growls.

"Bitch, bring it. You ain't got shit on me." I retort back in her face.

Carl quickly ran down the stairs.

"Aye aye aye, no, none of that shit." Carl says, grabbing Dominique's arm.

"Then tell your bitch to back the fuck down before she gets her shit rocked." I spit, speed walking out the door with drugs for the deal.

Carl's Pov :

"She will be back." I say.

"I won't even sweat it baby." Dominique says with a smile.

"Yeah well, can we go eat?" I asked.

"Sure.." Dominique shrugged.

We all sat down and I have to admit, it feels cold and silent without Y/N sitting across from me, I wonder where she went, she even had her drug bag with her.

"Where's Y/N Carl?" Lip asks.

"She ran out somewhere." I say, clueless myself.

"And you didn't go after her?" Lip said in a mad tone.

"I got my girl here I'm not gonna go run after Y/N, she probably going to fuck some dude." I say with slight attitude.

"Wouldn't be the first time babe ." Dominique laughs.

"Hey Carl, how about you grow a pair of balls, you have been crazy about Y/N until your bitchy girlfriend came along, so don't even start acting like Y/N meant nothing to you, because a few weeks ago she meant the world to you." Lip yells.

"Don't talk about Dom like that Lip, you're gonna get your ass beat." I say angrily.

"No, it's okay baby I'm sure Y/N won't be back." Dominique said, so sure of what she said.

"How are you so sure?" I asked.

"No reason, just have a feeling."

*** I'm super tired so didn't write a long long chapter sorry about that , but what did Dom do to Y/N , how is she so sure that you won't come back ? Find out soon :) Also make sure to follow my shamless account it's

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