The test - Chapter 39

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I woke up this morning feeling very sick so I ran immediately to the bathroom and threw up probably four times. After that I brushed my teeth and went back to bed with Carl.

"Hey you good babe?" Carl said while he turns over facing me.

"Yeah I'm fine thank you , I'm gonna go back to sleep." I say slipping back into the bed.

~ Afternoon~

"Hey Y/N wake up it's already 12pm" I hear Carl whisper into my ear.

I just opened my eyes and sat up in bed.

"So what's our plans for today ?" Carl says while playing with my hair.

"Me and Fiona are going shopping for stuff." I said

"What kind of stuff ?" Carl asks in confusion.

"Stuff okay"

The stuff we where getting is stuff for Carl's surprise 18th birthday party since he hasn't had a party in years.

"Okay fine grouchy." Carl says leaving the room.

After that I just got up and put on a pair of jean shorts and a cropped black sweater. After that I put my hair in a high bun then , I put on my black vans and headed downstairs.

"FIONA ARE YOU READY !?" I scream from downstairs.

"I'm right here Y/N." Fiona said standing by the front door.

"Oh okay sorry , let's go , bye Carl love you." I said walking out the door.

"Yeah love you too." He said

~ At the store ~

As me and Fiona where getting the supplies we needed I felt all the sudden sick to my stomach so I ran to the nearest restroom and threw up again probably about 2 times. Once I was finished I rinsed out my mouth with cold water and walked out to see Fiona standing there with a smirk.

"What ?" I say frowning my brows.

"Y/N you have been throwing up for the past three days now , I don't think that's a coincidence." Fiona said

"What are you implying Fiona ?" I say with slight attitude.

"You might be pregnant Y/N".

"Please don't say that Fiona please." I said with a crack in my tone.

"Y/N what if you are ? You need too know , at least let's get a pregnancy test and you can decide if you wanna take it." Fiona said

"Ok but you can go it I don't wanna be near it." I say sitting down on the floor.

"Sure yeah , I'll be right back." She said while walking away.

~ Minutes later ~

"Okay here" Fiona said handing me the test.

For a second I just sat there and stared at it then , I just took it and shoved it into my hand bag without hesitation.

"I think we got all we need , I'm sure you wanna go home , and possibly take the test , so I'll drive us home" Fiona said in a slight depressed tone.

"No" I say in a stern tone.
"I wanna go to the alibi and drink the night away , it's my last night I'll be not stressed out , please can we just go and have a few drinks." I said

"Oh what the hell sure let's go" Fiona says while checking out of the store.

~ Alibi ~

"And what can I get you two ladies ?" Kev says with a bright smile.

"Ill get a Martine" Fiona said

"Surprise me" I said

After a few drinks later , I was just about to have another drink until Carl came in and told me it was time to come home.

"Come on Y/N it's late you have been drinking we need to go home." Carl said in a concerned tone.

"Okay okay I'm going I'm going." I say standing up barely being able to walk.

Carl picked me up and carried me all the way home.

~ Home ~

Carl laid me on the bed tucking me in and leaving my purse right next to me before he laid down next to me , he kissed my forehead then laid down. When he laid down I snuggled right next to him and fell asleep.


What a hell of a day for you , will you take that pregnancy test and how will Carl's birthday party go ? Find out soon also I have a Shameless Instagram
account you should follow pls it's
- I made a long chapter today because I took so long to update sorry guys.

Hey guys so I have a new "book" out called "Carl and Ethan imagines" it's like mini stories and imagines so check it out please because it's lit !! Also thank you for 13k reads I love you guys very much.

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now