CARL - Chapter 3

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      It's been a full month since I've moved in with the Gallaghers, just me and Carl hanging out, he has grown on me. I think we have became close but nothing more than that, I told him. He's been doing his own thing, I've been doing my own thing, but at the end of the day, we both go in his room and talk all about it, and I can really say he's a friend.

That Morning~

   "Hey, wake up Y/N." Carl whispers, shaking me a bit.

"Gallagher, get out." I groan, flipping over on my side.

"No thank you, I wanna go smoke and I want you to come with me."

"Yeah, sure buddy, I'm gonna smoke at 10am, -NO, get out."

"Geez since when do you not wanna smoke?"

"Oh my gosh fuck it Carl, get the weed I'll be out in 10 minutes."

"Deal." He happily says and walks out of the room.

     I get up to brush my teeth and put my hair in a ponytail, then I threw on a pair of shorts, some socks, and my t-shirt and walk outside to see Carl smirking and already smoking.

"Okay, don't smoke it all." I say as I  grab the blunt.

   "Hey, so how are you doing Y/N ?"

"Uh, I've been living with you the whole time so you should know..."

"Well, I just wanted to know if there were any guys in your life or something."

    "No I don't even wanna think about dating anyone I've been hurt too many times to even feel for anyone."

"Oh, dang."

"Sucks to suck, I usually say."

We sit there for a while before we hear police sirens by the house.

"Oh, shit!" Carl screams.

"What did you do, Carl Gallagher?"

"Ah fuck it..." He shamefully says, hanging his head low.


"Your weed we sold, the guy texted me the other day because I knew him, he told me if I didn't take the money back from you and give it to him he would rat you out."

"CARL WHAT THE FUCK!? you didn't bother to tell me I was gonna get arrested?"

"I didn't think he would fuck!! I'll take the blame for you, I'll tell them it was mine."

"No don't-"

    Carl runs and I see the cops chasing him. I quickly threw the blunt into an
old ladies yard next door , and ran inside and acted like nothing happened.

      As I ran into the house I yell to Fiona, "we need to go to the police station Carl just got arrested." "WHAT?" Fiona yells as she grabs the keys for her mini van. We get in the car and she drives me and her to the station.

~At The Station~

    "Carl Gallagher you are arrested for dealing drugs... You will be sentenced to a year of juvinial detention. Is that what you want?" The cop says to him.

"Yes please," He says with a smirk.

    As I heard those words slowly in my ear, I felt a piece of my heart shatter. I had no idea why, but I felt like I just lost Carl and it was all because of me. I ran up to Carl and say "Tell them Carl, tell them I did it please I can't loose you either."

"Ahh, looks like you do like me." he smirks.

"Carl you're one of my best friends I can't just leave you in here."

"It's okay, I'm doing this for your shawty, take care of my family, don't let those pot heads take advantage of you on those streets."

      I gave him a big hug and he whispers in my ear, "I'm gonna make juvie my bitch."

As I heard those words I got chills running down my back and all I could do was smirk and whisper back, "Prove it to me, I'll see you soon Gallagher." He slaps my butt as i let go of the hug and walks away with a smirk.

*** Dang Carl went to juvie for you , Will he be the same after juvie ? , read more to find out , also there are gonna be some times jumps in this story but the more their are the more good this story gets thanks for reading ;)

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