Tragic decisions - Chapter 42

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A couple days went by me and Carl have been sleeping in different rooms because I told him I needed some time to think but , I think I've made my decision so I went upstairs to Carl's room.

"Hey carl" I say with slight hesitation.

"Hi Y/N" He kindly says back

"I think I've made my decision." I say gently sitting down.

"And that is ?" He grunts

"I'll keep our child." I say grabbing his hand.

"Are you serious ?" He asks holding my hand.

"Yes , I'm in love with you and if it's my time it's my time so we will do this together." I smile

"I love you Y/N." He says kissing me.

I pull away to tell him I love him too then I lean back in for the kiss.

~Months later~

Debbie already had her child and it was almost time for my child to come but not just yet. Debbie named her child Franny and me and Carl were thinking of the name Blaire for our baby girl. It's been kinda strange lately because Carl had to go back into dealing drugs for a little bit because of the baby and the low amount of money we have but as soon as the baby is out he will quit , I wish it was sooner.

"Hey babe , do you think you can get back out of the drug deals now because I'm sure we have enough money for now ?" I say walking into his room.

"Uh yeah , can you call Lamar and tell him , he seems to like you better than me." He laughs

"Okay I guess" I say picking up the phone and dialing.

After the conversation with Lamar he asks me to meet up with him and to tell Carl to pick me up 20 minutes after I get there. It was kinda suspicious but I had to go anyway.


I see Lamar pull up into the alleyway in a black Range Rover , he parks to the side and comes up to me holding a knife.

"Don't you ever again contact me or my fucking crew ever again and if you snitch you will get killed you hear me!?" He yells, stabbing me in the stomach.

I couldn't even answer him fully , I immediately collapsed to the ground while holding my stomach I didn't know what to do so I blacked out. After being out of it all I remember is slowly opening my eyes and noticing I was in the hospital room with Carl sitting right by my side.

"Hey beautiful you made it , how are you feeling ?" He smiles holding my hand.

"I feel like I just got stabbed." I say sarcastically.

"Sir can I have a word with you ?" A nurse says entering the room.

Carl gets up and steps outside I couldn't hear a word they said so I just closed my eyes and waited for Carl to enter the room.
Carl walks in with a sad and depressing face almost as if he was going to Cry.

"What is it ?" I say confused

"The baby" He says shedding a tear.

"What happened Carl !?" I say raising my voice.

"She didn't make it Y/N , I'm so sorry." Carl says holding my hand.


WHAT THE ACTUAL FUDGE AHH K. Well how will you react to your child being killed and how will the rest of the Gallagher's feel about this , find out soon. Also I have a Shamless Instagram account you should follow please it's

I have a new Fan Fic about Cole and Dylan Sprouse it's call "The Twins" you should check it out please it's lit thanks.
-Alexis :)

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