Oh Gallagher - Chapter 12

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        Couple months have gone by it's been actually the best couple months of my life. Me and Carl are always together and when we need space we just hangout with friends or go to a party. We trust eachother to make good choices and not to disobey our New Years resolution and so far we haven't. I made a full recovery from my shot wound so I guess I'm ready just in time for prom. Yes ladies it's prom season.

"Carl , Y/N , and Debbie get your asses up its time for school." Fiona screams.

Y/N's Pov :

      As I heard Fiona scream I could tell we where late because she never screams unless we are late so what I do is brush my hair and teeth at the same time. Then I put on a white tee shirt and some black highwasted jeans. Then I throw on some black and white converse. When I walked downstairs I noticed Carl waiting on the couch half asleep and Debbie getting 3 oranges for us on the go.

Good morning sleepy head.

Ah yea good morning.

What's up crabby pants.

Nothing just hella tired I was up late working on something.

    What was it ? I know you never work on homework or projects so what could it be ?

I'll explain soon but , for now don't worry about it.

"Okay I trust you" I say as we all walk out the door and head to school.


      Me and Carl where holding hands in the halls , and talking the usual. People just stare and look or they don't pay attention. People knew I hated Carl with a passion but now I really think he's starting to grow on me.

Hey so after school do you wanna hangout here for a little bit ?

Why ??

    Because the thing I've been working on is supposed to be done after school today and it's hella important.

Yeah if it means that much too you of course Gallagher.

"Thanks babe" he says as he kisses my cheek and walks to our class.

       I haven't said I loved him yet , and I can tell he's been waiting for it for awhile now but , I wanna say it when I actually mean it , not that I don't love him but I wanna fully mean it and commit to it instead of just throwing the word around and not taking it seriously. I mean to be fair we have only been dating for four months , it's only May but , we have known eachother for a very long time. I just don't think right now would be the time too tell him I love him , I want the moment too be special and again the moment I loose my virginity.

* The day went by pretty fast I saw Dom giving me dirty looks around school but I didn't take it too personal. It was after school and I was waiting by the back door to the school like Carl told me too do. Gosh where is he ?

Miss me babe ? *smirks*

Actually yes because I've been wanting to just kiss you all day long.

Well the kiss has to wait.

Why ?

"Follow me my wonderful lady" he says as he grabs my hand.

   I follow him out to the garden out back of school he puts on some really cheesy music and starts slow dancing with me.

Carl this isn't like you.

Well for now it is aight ?

Alright I got it.

*** Sorry this chapter was lame , I'm not feeling to well but trust me you have to read the next chapter it's gonna get good. Thanks for reading :) Also I have a Shameless Instagram account it is
Follow thanks.

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