Bring it bitch - Chapter 4

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      It was the next day when I woke up to seeing Fiona, Debbie, Lip, and Ian all standing in the door way, looking at me. I wasn't gonna ask where Frank was, because we all know he's probably asleep on the floor.

   "Umm, can I help you guys?" I said in a confused tone.

"Carl requested to see you this morning." Fiona said to me.

"Oh, so am I gonna go?"

"Yeah, but we wanted to thank you ." Fiona smiled, walking towards me.

"Why?" I said, furrowing my brows at her.

     "Because it was your fault he is in juvie, and as much as it sucks, he has a life lesson now, so maybe he'll stop dealing and being on the streets." She smiles, shrugging her shoulders.

  "I guess, I'm gonna get ready." I say, closing the door.

   I get a pair of sandals with a white crop top, and some high waisted blue jeans. Then, I flat iron my hair and throw on some quick makeup. We leave and are on our way to the detention center, and it's just me and Fi.

  "Hey Y/N, do you have feelings for Carl?" Fiona said, with a slight voice crack. She focused on the road and continued to drive.

    "Ew no, he's just a close bud to me, and it takes a lot to even consider him a friend but now I do. Why ?" I asked.

"Oh no reason, I just wanted to know what he asked for you this morning." Fiona said with a smile.

"Probably to smirk and tell me nice ass." I said with a slight chuckle and a pained smile.

"Sounds like Carl Gallagher to me." she said laughing along with me.

~At Juvinial detention center~

Carl's Pov :

"Carl Gallagher, you have a visitor, get up." A security guard dryly says to me.

"Yea yea, I don't give a rats ass, you can wait on me." I groan, getting up.

"I'm not your bitch, Gallagher."

"Sounds like it to me" he retorts as he swings the door open.

"Why, hello homegirl." I say to Y/N.

Y/N Pov :

"Wow, a day in jail and your already sounding like a moron." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yea yea, whatever."

"Why did you want me down here ?"

"To tell you that if I change and shit in here, that I want you to know you're my baby or whateva." He says in embarrassment. 


"My best friend aight?"

"Okay, cool" I smile at him.

"So what you cookin good lookin?" He smirks.

   "I sold a couple pounds of weed last night, just incase they post a bond for you."

    "Oh homegirl, you know my ass is stuck in here for a year. There no way out aight, so don't get my family in trouble or any shit sound good?" He seriously states.

"Yea yea, I got it Gallagher."

"Okay Gallagher, your times up, let's go." The guard strictly says to Carl.

"Aight aight, oh yea Y/N, this is my bitch." He smirks over at the guard, who only rolls his eyes.

      I walk out with a smile on my face, wondering what I got myself into a month and a half ago, but lucky for me I got close with Carl And the Gallaghers, and that's as lucky as it can get. I go home to be alone, except Frank sleeping on the floor, Fi was dropping Lip back off in another state for college, and I think debs and Liam went with her, and Ian is probably with Mickey so I practically had the house to myself. I wonder if Carl and I will ever be the same when he gets back, I know he will be different, I can tell by the way he acted today but, I know when he gets back I'll try my best to make him remember I'm his "baby or whateva."

*** Kinda short and boring  chapter today , but is Carl kinda getting feelings or whateva? find out soon , thanks for reading ;) . Also we are getting closer to some bomb stuff so make sure you add this to your library ..

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