Eve Night - Chapter 8

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Y/N Pov :

As I'm on my way to get the drugs since I'm paying to get them this time, I get a text from "Gallagher❣️".

Gallagher❣️: Come back home, we are eating Christmas eve dinner without you, it's not the same without my best friend here.

Me: You have Dom, that's all you ever needed or wanted, so leave me alone.

Gallagher ❣️ : Just be careful and don't do anything bad without me by your side.

Me: Too late, Gallagher.

Gallagher ❣️ : What do you mean ?

*No answer* 10 minutes later ..

Gallagher ❣️ : Hey are you okay? I heard gun shots by our house, are you near here ?

*No answer*

Gallagher ❣️ :Answer the fucking phone Y/N. I'm coming to look for you.

Carl's Pov :

"Did you guys hear those gun shots?" I say, worried.

"Yeah we always hear them." Lip exclaims.

"No dumb ass, Y/N is out there all alone, she must be scared or lost." I say in a stern tone.

Lip's eyes go wide and he runs out the door, screaming.

I follow him and come out, screaming
"Y/N this isn't funny come on!"

Lip and I go looking everywhere for Y/N, calling her name, texting and calling her phone. There were no answers till they saw..

"Y/N! omg, someone call 911.." I scream.
"Hey, you're gonna be okay Y/N, stay with me. Your the strongest girl I've ever met did you know that? Don't leave me now."

"The ambulance will  be here shortly, where was she shot at?" Lip asks.

"The her right hip." I say.

"Here, hold my headband tightly down on her wound before they get here." Lip says.

**@ the Hospital

"She seems to have been shot in the right hip, we easily took the bullet out. Luckily it didn't go in far enough to cause internal bleeding. She passed out from stress and she will need to stay over night, but tomorrow, Christmas morning, she should be alright to go home, except she will be in pain, so I'll give you medication to take home." The doctor says.

"Can we visit her"? I say in shock.

"Yeah, she should be awakening soon." The Doctor said.

** In hospital room // it's just you Carl and Lip.

Y/N's Pov :

"AHH!" I screamed, "get off of me!"

"Hey shh, it's over now, you're gonna be okay " Carl says as he wraps his arms around you.

"Carl And Lip wha-wha-what happened?" I asked, confused and scared.

"Someone shot you in the right hip, be careful not to move." Carl says, calmly.

"Where's everyone else?" I ask, confused.

"They are in the waiting room, what the actual fuck happened last night?" Carl and Lip asked in unison.

"Well, one minute I was texting you, about to give money to my dealer, then someone hit me in the head and then I fell. Then after that, this guy in a black hoodie, uh-looks about your height and age, shot me in the hip and said, "This is what Dom would want, Leave Carl alone."

"I knew your girlfriend wasn't any good Carl." Lip says.

"Shut up Lip!" Carl says.

"Also Carl, I have something to tell you." I say, looking into his eyes.

"Sure, anything."

"Dom cheated on you last week for some French kid in our science class." I say in a depressed tone.

"She-she-she what?" Carl stuttered, clearly upset.

Carl stormed out the room.

"No Carl sta-" Before I can even finish, he's gone, out the room. He looked so sad and disappointed.
I wanted to get up and chase after him, but it would hurt me to much.

"I think you should have waited till you got better so you could chase after him, like those love movies." Lip chuckled.

"Oh hush up Lip."

Carl's Pov :

"How could you, you are such a slut!" I yelled in Doms face as she's in the waiting room.

"What are you talking about babe? sit down, how is she?" Dominique asked, confused.

"Oh don't act like you even gave a fuck, you cheated on me for some French bitch. I trusted yo ass." I say, angry.

"Fuck that bitch, I should have gotten her killed instead." Dominique says to herself.

"What was what? Did you purposely get her shot so she wouldn't tell me you cheated?" I say, pissed off.

"Yeah you heard me, have a good life, baby." she smirked as she walked out the room.

"We are over Dom." I yelled.

"I figured that, dumb ass." She said, flicking him off.

*** Well you are in the hospital , Dom and Carl broke up ... What will Christmas have in store for you , find out soon :) Also make sure to follow my shameless account on Instagram it's
Thanks .

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