New years - Chapter 11

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       Carl ...


     Carl shoves his face into yours , you pull away for a minute wondering if your gonna regret this , you smiled and kissed him back. After 5minutes of the new year making out. You and Carl look at each other.

That was ...

        "Amazing" Carl quickly said. "I've been waiting to kiss you for these past couple months , long ago I would just wanna kiss you because you where hot and now I want to kiss you because I fully fell in love with you , your personality , and savageness" he says with a *smirk*.

Carl this is wrong..

What is me falling for you ?

   Yes I'm messed up I can't have you getting inside me and turning me into a soft person.

    You don't have to say you love me , but will you do me the honors of atleast being my girlfriend? You don't have too-

    "Yes Carl I will be your girlfriend" I say as I Interrupt him. But don't go turning me soft now. And also if I ever say "I love you" just know that's the day I want you to take my virginity.

  I'll take that under consideration.

Okay are we gonna just sit at my family's grave or what are we gonna do.

     Well I know that we said our New Years resolution was gonna be being sober and clean from drugs , but wanna make the first couple hours of our new year a hella dope one ?

What do you have in mind Gallagher ?

I got us fake ID's ...

No fucking way your the best Gallagher.

   I found this sick club we can go to , we can dance and drink then my new friend nick will drive us home.

"Really?" I say with a smile.

Yes babe !

      Babe ? , oh yeah shit my bad I forgot we are together now sorry , I'm used to being on my own and now I'm -

"Hey it's okay" he says as he *kisses* my forehead.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me to the car and held my hand as we drove to the club.

**At the club

Aye aye aye lemme see those ID's.... aight you good go in.

"Aye yo thanks homie" Carl says as the security guard *nods* his head.

See homegirl nothing to worry about your man got this.

Gallagher never call me homegirl again.

Aight homegirl *winks*.

      Me and Carl dance and have a couple of shots , as we where dancing Carl had to use the bathroom so I sat at the bar and waited for him to get out. As I was waiting I noticed a guy walking over and grabbing my hips. "OW" I screamed.

"Hey I'm just holding ya no need to get all jumpy". The stranger says as he latched on more.

Stop your hurting me.

How am I hurting you ?

I got shot in my hip you ass hat.

"I don't believe that , show me" he says as he's lifting up my shirt.

Don't touch me get the fuck away from me. "CARL" I scream.

Who's Carl ??

     *Carl taps the guy on the shoulder* "It's her boyfriend you dumb bitch" Carl says as he punches the guy in the face and grabs my hand then ran out of the club.

  As nick drives me and Carl home Carl puts his hand on my thigh and strokes his fingers back in forth.

Hey you okay Y/N ?

Yeah I'm just in pain he practically stuck his finger in my wound.

I'm sorry it's my fault I wasn't here.

    "Nah it's that guys fault from being such a dumb ass , but I will be okay thank you for being there when I needed you" I say as I kiss his cheek.

     Hey our night may not have turned out as planned but our day was amazing and now I'm finally with the girl of my dreams , now that's what I call a "Happy new year".

*** Aw yay you and Carl are together , but why won't you let him in your "heart" ? Hopefully you will soon. Also follow my Shameless Instagram account it's
Thanks :)

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