Moving Day - Chapter 60

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- 7 months later

"Today's the day my beautiful wife." Carl whispers into my ear slowly waking me up.

"Uh is it?" I grunt facing him.

"We're finally moving to Florida!!" He says throwing a pillow at me.

"That doesn't give you an excuse to wake me up Mr.Gallagher." I chuckle sitting up, and throwing the pillow back.

"Well all of our stuff is packed, so the moving trucks will be here soon. Then we can get movin." Carl says getting out of bed searching boxes for clothes.

"Apparently I'm the smart one in this marriage because I made sure I had at least one outfit laid out for me, instead of searching in boxes." I laugh sticking my tongue out at surprised Carl.


"Good morning Fiona!" I smile walking down the stairs.

"Good afternoon Y/N, I've waited for you guys to wake up so I can give you guys the breakfast I made for y'all earlier." Fiona says grabbing the left over food from this morning.

"Thanks, do you know when Ian,and Lip will be here to help put the boxes in the trucks?" I ask sitting down taking a bite out of the food.

"Actually we're right here!!" Ian and lip both saying walking threw the back door.

"Hey guys !! I haven't seen you since the wedding, how're you!?" I ask hugging Ian first then Lip.

"I'm good how about you Lip ??" Ian asks

"I've been okay college getting hard but I'll get there." Lip says in return.

"Well, we all will get there some how." I smile

"So, when should the trucks get here?" Ian asks already carrying boxes.


"They're here!!" Carl shouts basically jumping off the stairwell.

"Already!?" I ask startled from Carl's appearance.

"Yeah, they're ready for us to get movin!!" Carl excitedly says.

"Seems like he's more excited than you." Lip chuckles grabbing boxes.

"I'm excited just also scared shitless." I say taking a big gulp of saliva down my throat.


Hours later we finally get all the boxes in except for one which was saved for me too put into the truck.


"I saved this box for you to put in since, it's your family stuff." Carl gently says wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Thank you Carl." I smile with a tear sliding down my cheek.


"Well thank you everyone for helping us pack, guess this is the time for me Y/N,and Franny to leave." Carl says loudly from outside.

"We're gonna miss you Carl but, please get the hell out of here." Fiona laughs along with everyone else.

"Goodbye, thank you for everything I love you guys will all my heart see you soon." I wave from in the car.

"It was our pleasure!!" Fiona waves and yells back.

"Okay let's get going!!" Carl says starting the car along with all the trucks behind us.

"Are you ready Franny!?" I chuckle rubbing her soft little hands.

Goodbye Gallagher house


That'll be the last time we read from the Gallagher house in this story sorry loves, with only a few chapters left I hope you all enjoy.
Also follow my Shameless Instagram account it's @shameless.cutkoskyy

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