Monica - Chapter 18

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Monica what are you doing here ?

Well-well Lip..

"Well what nobody misses you or wants you here go away." Ian says with a straight face.

"Ian !!" Fi *screams*

What , she can't just show up whenever she wants , then fake friend us all then gets all depressed and leaves that's not how a family works. Therefore your not family so your not invited too our dinner leave.

What's the dinner for and , who is this beautiful lady ?

Hi you must be Monica , I'm Y/N Carl's girlfriend , we are here to celebrate Carl's decision too go to military school.

Oh my gosh honey your going to military school why ?

If you where around you would know my ass got sent to Juvenal detention for six months so therefore I'm going to military school so I can clean up my act.

Well isn't that great honey i'm so proud.

Nah you don't get to be proud of me because you where never here so you wouldn't know how to feel proud of something you weren't here to witness.

I'm here now Carl.

Goddammit get the fuck away Monica , you always say and do the same shit you aren't my mom and you never will be now just get the fuck away.

"Carl" I say with a disturbed look on my face.

You don't even know half the shit she put us through Y/N she deserves this.

I didn't think you would ever say that too me Carl.

People changed and life changed of course you wouldn't fucking know would you ?

Carl gets up and you follow him into the ally , your basically jogging to catch up with him screaming his name.After you both hit dead ends Carl collapses onto the ground and bursted out in tears. You wrap him into your arms and just let him cry. After he finishes you two just lay together on the ground and look at stars , you just hear the crickets and him sniffling. So you turn over and look at him.

I'm sorry I must seem like such a pussy right now.

No way your beautiful when you cry Gallagher.

How ?

Your eyes are gleamy and pretty , I enjoy holding you in my arms.

I would rather it be the other way.

Not this time Gallagher,this time it's me comforting you. How about we walk home get in the shower together then cuddle and watch a movie ?

Sounds hot and good too me *smirks*.

Hey we are saving water *winks*.

I love you Y/N.

And I love you Gallagher *kisses*.

You two walked home hoped in the shower and then now you two are both standing in the bathroom in towels starring at each other. You two are awkward haha.

Oh Carl stop starring and kiss me already.


Fine *walks away*.

Nooooooooo *screams*.

What you baby.

Shawty bring your ass over here and get in bed. *smirks*


You made love yea yea the usual then you both fell asleep in Carl's bed. Then you woke up in the middle of the night to go too the bathroom but , when you went downstairs you found something you will never be able to get out of your head.....


What happened downstairs ? Find out soon. Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow its


Thanks :)

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now