Time passing - Chapter 46

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    A year has passed by since Debbie died , me and Carl have been taking care of Franny as if she's our own. Franny , and Liam share Debbie's room while me and Carl share a room since Lip is back at collage and Ian is flip flopping around each boyfriends houses. Fiona finally became manager of Patsys Pie and Carl got a stable job there and then there's me , the stay at home 19 year old that takes care of her child all day and watch Frank screw over his homeless shelter. It was time for me to move past this and get a job or a hobby to do. Franny was a year old which meant she could start going to daycare which would cost a lot of money but with me trying to work then Fiona and Carl having a job I'm sure we can work things out.

~Patsy's Pie~

"Hey babe how's your shift going." I say carrying the baby.

"Eh we are quite busy right now , can you come back later ?" Carl asks

"No because I'm gonna go sign Franny up at daycare." I smile

"Wait-what?" He stutters

"You heard me , I'm tired of being stuck at home all the time it's boring and annoying , I'm only 19 years old I need to see more of the world and not be tied down by this child of ours." I say

"Are you sure it's a good idea Y/N ?" He  asks confused.

"You're 20 years old Carl , would you like to stay at home with Franny ?" I ask sternly

"No no , fine go sign her up." He sighs

~Daycare center~

"Hi how may I help you today?" An old lady at the front desk asks.

"I would like to sign my little girl up for daycare." I smile at Franny.

"Oh okay just sign these papers, and all the information then she can start tomorrow." The lady says handing over the papers.

~Hour later~

"Here you go I filled out everything." I handed over the papers.

"Okay , we will see your beautiful girl tomorrow morning at 7am." The lady smiles.

"Say yay mommy gets to have a day off !!" I cheer to Franny.

~Gallagher home~

  Fiona , and Carl came home from work exhausted and who could blame them they work hard.

"Hey so I got Franny..."

"Y/N I'm tired , I'm just gonna go get some sleep , talk tomorrow ?" Fiona asks dragging herself up the stairs.

"Uh yeah sure no problem good night." I lower my voice.

"So babe wanna hear.."

"Yeah I agree with Fiona babe good night , come in the room when you're finished eating your dinner." Carl kisses my cheek and drags himself up the stairs.

   Well then nobody wants to hear about Franny and I's day how rude. Ugh I hate being stuck all alone in this house and then when people come home nobody wants to chat or hangout because they're all tired.
I finished my dinner and decided to put Franny and Liam to sleep , then after that I slipped into bed and drifted off to sleep.


  Sorry for boring chapter it's gonna get good after the next couple chapters I promise. But check out my other projects on watt pad and make sure to follow my shameless Instagram account it's @ shameless.cutkoskyy
Thanks :)

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