Surprise surprise - Chapter 48

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"No not at all." I mumbled

"Oh come on everyone needs a little Bonnie in their life." She smirks

"What do you want now , weren't you like going to another country or something ?" I cross my arms.

"I was in New Mexico but then I decided why not pay the beautiful Chicago a lovely visit." Bonnie evilly smiles.

"Well cool you said your hellos now I'm saying goodbye." I try to close the door but her foots blocks it.

"Where's Carl and Debbie ?" She frowns her brows looking around past me.

"Carl is at work and Debbie-Debbie passed away." I stutter

"What did you just say ?" She looks directly at me.

"Debbie passed away a year ago." I mumbled back.

"Now you're gonna let me in and tell me what I've missed these past years." She says walking inside.

  Hours later of me explaining everything to Bonnie was torture honestly I just wanted someone to walk threw that door. And my wishes came true when Mr.Carl Gallagher walked in threw the door.

"Hey babe you're home early." I get up to kiss his cheek.

"Yeah , slow day so Fiona told me to come home." He says kissing my cheek in return.

"We have a special guest.." I mumbled

"Hello fellow ex boy toy." Bonnie smiles

"Bonnie?" He questions

"Yep that me." She smirks

"Well isn't this a nightmare." He rolls his eyes walking into the kitchen.

"What are you talking about , aren't you glad to see me ?" Bonnie runs after him.

"Nope not really considering you're the reason why me and Y/N broke up." He says not making eye contact.

"But you two are back together now and have a child." She grunts

"Oh well , I didn't need that happening to me but it did and therefore I hate you for it , don't let the door hit you on your way out. Carl says taking a bite of an apple.

"I'm truly sorry Carl and Y/N , I didn't come here to win your love back I came for forgiveness , I don't really have any friends and the Gallagher's are all I have left." She frowns

  I felt bad for Bonnie because she never apologizes unless she means it and something tells me she actually meant it.

"Fine !!" I yell

"Huh ?" Bonnie turns around.

"What !?" Carl yells

"We will forgive you , but no more of that trick bitch stuff ok ?" I say

"Of course not , thank you." She says leaving the house.

"What the fuck was that ?" Carl asks throwing away his apple.

"It was me not being on Bonnie's bad side , remember when we where on her bad side ? That caused us to break up."I say walking towards him.

"But babe.." Carl sighs

"No but babe Carl, come on we love each other don't we ? Therefore Bonnie won't ever come between that." I smile grabbing his soft cheeks.

"You're right" He says leaning in for a kiss.

"Aren't I always ?"I smile kissing him.

"So do you wanna like go fuck or something." Carl smirks

"Take me up" I laugh

  Carl picks me up and plops me onto the bed. We slowly undressed each other ,then he started kissing down my body leading to the scar.

"I know it's ugly I'm sorry Carl."I frown

"That scar is the most beautiful thing about you Y/N , I love it and it reminds me of the beautiful child we once had." He says kissing the scar.

   I rested my head back and let him do his magic. After letting out a deep moan I looked on the wall for a random reason seeing the clock hit 5:30 , the time I was supposed to pick Liam and Franny up from school.

"Shit Carl we have to pick up the kids." I moan loudly.

"Let me finish then we will."He grunts

"Oh-oh-okay" I moaned back.

  After awhile , we picked up the kids and spent the rest of our night as a family.


  I did a long chapter today and I kinda did SMUT which I hate doing lol but oh well. What does Bonnie really want and how will your fairy tale ending work out ? Find out soon also you should follow my Shameless Instagram account it's shameless.cutkoskyy.
~ Check out my new Ethan Cutkosky Fan Fic you can find it on my profile thanks.

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