School - Chapter 6

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           A couple days have passed and it's Carl and I's first day back to school. I'm really nervous, but not with him by my side. I know there are gonna be some people that will pick on him, but as long as we got each other, it's us against the world, at least that's what I thought. I got in Carl's room to wake him up and he groggily wakes up, getting straight in the shower. As he does that, I put on some makeup and do my hair in a fishtail braid. Then I put on one of Carl's sweatshirts and wear some high wasted ripped jeans. I actually felt cute.

Carl's Pov :

     I got into the shower and made sure I smelt really good. After I got out, I put on one of my white sweatshirts and wear a black pair of joggers. My cornrows in my hair were hurting my head so I was gonna take them out till I saw Y/N smiling at me with a blunt in her hand. So I smirk back and take a hit, after that, she notices my hair and smiles wider, running her hand on it.

"Wow, something new! I like it Gallagher." Y/N said, taking another hit from the blunt.

"Thanks homegirl, we finna go or na?"
I asked, smirking.

"Let's go Gallagher, maybe school will give you some new grammar." She laughed.

Y/N's Pov :

~At school~

        As we walked into school, I see people all around us, either looking at us confused, or smiling. It was weird, considering I haven't been to school since like, 5th grade, and now we are in senior year of high school, which was hella awkward.

"Hey, you gonna be okay homegirl?" Carl worriedly asks, placing a hand on my shoulder.

   "No, this is my first day back to school in like years, don't you dare think about leaving me Gallagher." I say, gripping onto his shirt.

"I won't I won't, but we are gonna have to take a couple stops." He says calmly.

"I guess." I roll my eyes, looking around some more.

       He goes and talks to all his friends about how he's so "cool" and "savage" to be in juvie. I thought it was stupid, because in reality it was all because of me. But then there was this one girl with curly brown hair and dark skin. She passed by Carl and winked. Carl looked her up and down and immediately left my side, over to the mystery girl. I asked one of Carl's friend who that girl was.

"Oh, that's Dominique. We all call her Dom , she's pretty hot." One of Carl's friends say.

"Do they know each other?" I ask, looking at them in the crowd.

"No, Dom came a couple months ago." The friend explained.

"Oh, okay."

"Why, you Carl's girl or some shit?" He asked with a weird face.

"Ewww, never in a million years, we are just really close friends." I said in disgust.

"Oh, well your friend is having hella heart eyes for Dom." The friend points to them, talking.

"I'm gonna go catch up with him, bye." I say, walking away.

"Bye, hottie."

"I have a name." I said as I speed walk away.

"Hey Carl, you kinda left me back there me..." I say to Carl, who seems to not be paying attention to me at all.

"Yea yea, I'm talking to Dom right now, I'll catch up with you later aight?" He said barely paying attention.

"Whatever, I needed help finding a class." I said along with an eye roll.

"Ugh, Carl, who is this your girl?" Dominique says, pointing to me.

"Nah, she is my best friend." He said looking at me.

"Oh, well bye Carl." She said and placing a soft kiss on his rosy cheeks.

"Okay, you happy now Y/N? what is it ?" He irritatedly asks.

    "Uh, you dragged me to school so your gonna help me get around this hell hole." I say, grabbing his arm

"Aight whatever let's go." He rolls his eyes.

*** So is Dom a new fling for Carl ? Find out soon :) Thanks for reading also I made a Instagram for shameless it's
Go check it out I have some dope edits.

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