Going back - Chapter 29

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           I stormed outside and started walking away barefoot on the sidewalk just so I could go to the park nearby and cry on the curb without Carl following me. The whole time I was trying to get away from him he wouldn't go he kept following me and calling my name. I just collapsed into tears on the sidewalk in front of a random persons home.

      Y/N it's almost been a year since you're brother passed do you actually think I would even risk our love and bond for some drug , especially the one you're brother just passed away from ? Y/N I'm in love with you I wouldn't even think about doing heroin when I'm with you no matter what. Your always number one on my priority list.

      Carl I don't know what to even say or do with this situation , I think you should go back to military school and stay there no matter what happens to me and no matter what anyone says. If you love me prove it and go.

Y/N what if I took a drug test ?

No , go back to military school and finish your time there please and then when it's time to come home i'll be here I guess. 


No Carl , I love you and I'm sorry but , you lost my trust so this is the only way I can think of that might regain it back.

  Fine but , you have to promise me that you won't move on , you will wait for me and never leave me.


No Y/N promise me.

I love you that's all I'm gonna promise.

I cannot believe you Y/N god.

Excuse me?

You say you "love me" but you cannot even promise to not cheat on me ?

Carl we are over !!!

Wait what ?

    We are not gonna date while your away so , I'll be free to do whatever I please.

   Fuck no Y/N , if you love me you will not do anything with anyone else if you do you will loose me forever. I don't care if we are over as longs as I'll get you back. 

Carl why would I do anything with anyone else I meant as in drugs and alcohol.

No please Y/N..Goddamn you got me going crazy , I'm so in love with you can't you fucking see that ? I LOVE Y/F/N , HEAR THAT EVERYONE I'M IN LOVE WITH THIS BEAUTIFUL WOMEN.


Y/N I'll go...

I love you Carl and I'm sorry It has to end for a little but we will be together one day, goodbye Gallagher. 

       I walked away crying , I could hear Carl sniffling as I was walking away , I never wanted to do this all I wanted to do was run back into his arms but , I don't want him knowing that he turned me into a girl falling in love because I was never that person.

Carl's Pov :

      I walked home basically in tears , she broke my heart but I know I broke hers too. We will be together one day but for now I need to work up to that day. So I went home, walked into my room and packed, then ordered the next bus ticket back to the school grounds. Before I left I put a note on my bed I left it there for Y/N to read.


    Well it's over , but just for now ;). What will the note that Carl left for you say and how will you deal without having Carl by your side to keep you in line ? Find out soon :) , also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's 



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