Adoption - Chapter 30

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Y/N's Pov :

A couple hours passed by so I just slowly walked home wondering what kind of argument me and Carl would have when I got home but when I got home no one was home not even Carl. So I went up stairs into his room and saw a letter on his bed that said...

"Dear Y/N , I left like you wanted me too , I'm in love with you and I don't understand why you cannot trust me on that but , if me going will help you regain the love and trust I will go except this time not for me or my happiness but for you and your happiness. I love you more than you will ever imagine and I will see you soon beautiful.
- love Gallagher "

After I read that letter I just cried and put on one of Carl's sweaters and fell asleep in his bed with the letter crumbled in my hand.

** Next morning

"Hey Y/N , someone from the adoption administration came and was looking for you." Fiona said in a worried tone.

Are they still here ?

Yeah they told me to come and get you..

I'll be down in a minute.

Okay *walks out the room*.

I was so confused on what they could have wanted so I just put some of Carl's sweatpants on then put my hair in a high bun , and ran down the stairs.

"Hey you needed me ?"
I said in a confused tone.

Yes hi you must be Y/F/N ?

Yeah that's me I guess.

Well we heard your parents passed away awhile ago and you brother recently passed about a year and a half ago is this information true ?

Yes what does this have to do with anything ?

Well we understand you have some family up in Ohio. And they would like to see you and have you stay for a little while.

No thank you...

Well see you don't really have a choice Y/N , your not adopted by this "family" your with so , if your real family needs you to be back with them or wants to adopt you they have a better chance at winning in this situation.

I'm almost 18 so there for I have a better chance because I'm almost old enough to legally make my own choices.

As I can see on your record you won't be 18 for another couple of months so you can live there for that time remaining and if you wanna come back you can when your 18 and can make your own choice "legally".

Before I could even say anything Fiona interrupts.

Well can I adopt her ?
I have a stable home and a stable room for her to stay in until she's 18 and wants to leave to wherever the hell she plans on going.

We will have to take this too court Mrs.Gallagher and have her family there too object her and your choices , are you prepared for that Y/N ?

Yes I am , I'm not leaving this family without a fight.

Fine your court date is 2 days from now around 1pm don't miss it.

"Wouldn't even dream of it" I say with a smirk as I scoot her out the door.


Well now you have to be a official member of the Gallagher family , will this ruin everything with Carl and will you even win ? Find out soon , Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

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