Party animals - Chapter 22

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We arrived to the party , as soon as I walked inside Debbie already went to the alcohol table. When I tuned around I saw Dominique and her new boy toy sitting on the floor with drinks in their hands looking at me. She walked over to me so I just turned around pretending I didn't see them.

Hey Gallagher lover...

Can I help you ?

Want a drink ?

No , I promised Carl while he was gone I wouldn't do anything like that.

Oh boo hoo one drink isn't gonna hurt.

I'm sorry I can't.

Fine let me get you some juice.

Whatever game your trying to play I'm not falling for it Dominique so drop it.

I'm litterly trying to make up from what I put you and Carl through can you just cut me some slack ?

Fine but , only for tonight will I "cut you some slack".

Okay , I'll go get you some juice.

Moments later she came back with my drink , I took some sips and immediately felt tipsie and tired , so I went and looked for Debbie.

Hey Debbie I'm not feeling to well can we go home ?

Yeah yeah soon , just wait for me on the couch.

Uh okay , don't be to long.

I went to sit on the couch and ended up falling asleep not being control of whats going on around me and barely conscious to control myself. I woke up the next morning with just a bra and underwear on with a hickey on my breast. My heart melted , have I just been raped and couldn't do anything about it? I ran home with all my clothes in my hand and tears running down my face. I ran inside the house and slammed the doors and went immediately to the shower.

** 20 minutes later...

Hey Y/N are you okay , you have been in there for awhile....

Debbie this is your fault.

What is ?

You left me all alone , after I told you we needed to go , you just left me , vulnerable and alone.

*Opens door* What happened ?? , Y/N WHAT HAPPENED ?

I was raped Debbie , someone put something in my drink and I was raped.

Wha - Wha - no Y/N your kidding right ? Please be kidding *Starts to cry*.

Why the hell are you crying , you left me Debbie all alone and sick , you left me.

I'm so sorry Y/N , Carl is gonna kill me.

I ran out the bathroom and went into Carl's room then , put on his clothes and fell asleep in his bed crying. A couple hours later I decided to go outside and, smoke then cry. I felt useless Till I saw Dominique walking down the street.

Hey Dominique *Walks twords her*.

Oh he-

Before she can even finish her words I punched her in her nose probably breaking it.

What the hell Y/N.

You drugged me , you got me raped , you broke me, how fucking could you bitch ?

I punched her even more till Ian came out and pulled me away from her and took me inside. I saw Dominique running away and all I wanted to do was bash her head into a wall but , Ian heard what happened and all he did was just hold me and let me cry.


Wow so much has happened in one night. Will Dominique press charges and what will happen to you , will this ruin everything ? Find out soon :). Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow it's



Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now