Murder - Chapter 19

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In that moment I didn't know what to do I stood there till Nick looked at me in the eyes. I screamed as loud as I could till Carl sprung up from his bed and basically zoomed down the stairs and picks me up off my feet and says "your okay i'm here". As those words slipped out of his mouth he had me in his arms but looked at Nick with the bloody hammer in his hand.

Yo what'd you do ?

I heard no response till the police came and took Nick away. It all happened so fast I could tell Carl was a really effected by this but , before I could hold him in my arms I had a heart attack and got sent to the hospital.

** Hospital room , Carl,Lip,Debs,Ian, and Fiona are there in the room with you.

Carl immediately cried into my arms he was so worried about me I could tell but,I could barely even move or talk so he saw the look in my eyes knowing I was scared and alone so he told everyone to get out and he came in my bed and laid with me holding my hand.

I hope your gonna be okay Y/N your the love of my life and I don't know what I would do without you , when I heard you scream I felt my heart sink to my toes and I've never ran so fast in my life. Then I saw Nick and I thought he hurt you but , he didn't he killed some innocent child and you had to witness it I'm so sorry Y/N.

I couldn't really talk so I just hugged him even more and held his hand tighter but I was crying in his arms and I felt safe in his arms but , I could tell he was so terrorized that his best friend just killed someone and he thought I was hurt.

I'm not gonna go to military school until your recovered , I'm gonna be here to help you every step of the way of your recovery and when the time is right I will go but , for now you and my family need me and i'm not going anywhere so don't even think about leaving my side now. The doctor said your lucky you survived the heart attack I say my guardian angel received my prayer.

I could barely talk but I managed to barely whisper "I love you Gallagher". He teared up and kissed my forehead and said it back.

** Couple weeks later at Gallagher home

Good morning beautiful , your graduation is tomorrow and then i'm going to military school the next day.

Ugh so soon baby.

I know but I made sure I stayed until you recovered and now I get to see my shawty graduate.

Thank you for everything Gallagher and i'm gonna miss your annoying ass so much but , ill be here waiting for you.

Aye aye you ain't gotta worry imma be doin it all for you baby girl.

I love you Gallagher

i love you too *winks*


Kinda short chapter sorry but , how will your graduation go , and will you make good decisions when Carl is gone ? Find out soon :) Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow its



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