Forever & Always !

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Y'all I'm crying in the club right now. This book has been a BIG part of the year for me, and took a lot of my time I loved writing for you readers and interacting with different parts of the internet. Thank you all for your time,views,love,and support. It made me feel apart of a community that I wouldn't ever be apart of if it wasn't for you guys.  THIS IS NOT THE END ! 

I might once and a while add a few EXTRA chapters to this book for lil check ups so don't switch up on me but, the story is finished just may add a few chapters for the fun of it. I love you guys so much thank you for everything. Check out my other stories and comment some LOVE, and if you want me to make another Carl Gallagher FanFic.

I love ya'll forever & always thank you for everything. 

also follow me on the gram

shameless account is - shameless.cutkoskyy


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