Christmas Mother Fucker's *Extra Chapter*

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It's just me,Carl,and Franny today on Christmas we ate breakfast,and opened gifts. So we all decided to just watch a Christmas movie and sit on the couch together.

Moments later I heard a knock at the door so I got up and, got it.

"Coming!" I yell swinging open the door. 

"Merry Christmas!" Lip,Ian,Fiona,and Liam yell walking inside.

"I hear Gallagher's" Carl smiles dashing to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" I smile tearing up.

"We can't leave three of our family members alone on Christmas." Fiona smiles bending down kissing Franny's forehead.

"Damn Carl ya'll got a nice house." Ian says wondering around the home.

"Worked hard to be here." Carl says looking around our home.

"So did you guys open presents already?" Fiona smiles plopping on the coach.

"Yes we did but, we still have left over gifts that we can now see you all open." I smiled grabbing the gifts under the tree.

"Where's Frank?" Carl asks sitting on the floor with Franny. 

"Who knows?" Lip says shrugging his shoulders.

"Can we get to the gifts!?" Liam says

"Fine-Fine" Fiona says going out to the car.

- We all opened more gifts then sat on the couch and, this time all watched a Christmas movie.


Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays to all of you have a good one. 

*Extra Chapter*

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now