Dress & Suit - Chapter 15

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        It's a week before prom , me and Fiona and Carl have all been saving up money to get stuff for it , Carl and Lip where gonna go shopping to find him a tux , then me and Fiona are going shopping for my prom dress.

    **At store

Okay Y/N what kind of dress are you looking for ?

   I'm looking for a pretty white dress that makes my ass look hot and my body look slim.

Okay , let's go look at the white dresses.

      After hours of trying on white dresses I was about to give up till I saw a beautiful white dress. I ran over to the beautiful dress and tried it on , I was speechless it was so beautiful. I came out the dressing room to show Fiona and I could tell she was almost gonna cry.

Y/N it's it's - it's so beautiful , you are beautiful

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Y/N it's it's - it's so beautiful , you are beautiful.

I love it Fi

How much is it !!?

It's *looks at tag* it's - 150$ .

Deal I'll pay

No way I'll pay for half.

No you can pay 50 I'll pay 100.

You sure ?

   "Yes I'm more then sure , Carl will wanna masturbate after seeing you" she says with a smirk.

FIONA *laughs*.

  Hey it's true , I wanted to after seeing your ass in that dress girl you look smokeing.

I hope Carl thinks the same.

"Oh he will and if he doesn't I'll fuck you for him" says in a sarcastic tone.

Let's go check out Fi *laughs*.

Carl's Pov :

   Okay Carl you can't be original you need to look like you have never been to juvie and your a virgin.

That's hard for me..

You had sex ?

     Yea my first was with Dom but I don't wanna count that as my first anymore , for now on my first time was with Y/N because she is my first love.

Aww how cute *laughs*.

I know I know don't need to be jelouse.*winks*

     Well cocky Gallagher we need to start shopping for a tux for you before the store closes

Aight aight let's go.

    Carl and Lip shopped around for a couple minutes and already found the perfect tux , so Carl tried it on then came out to show Lip.

Bro that looks dope get that one !!

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Bro that looks dope get that one !!

Aight lemme go get my stuff then we can check out.

     As Fiona and Y/N check out so is Carl and Lip at another store they all equally get home at the same time.

**Gallagher home

Hey babe how was shopping with Lip.

Easy what about you ?

Hard *laughs*.

Do you think I'll like it !

I think you will wanna slip it in after prom *winks*.

    Well good thing after prom I rented us a hotel room for the night again. Maybe we could go skinny dipping.

Good , I'd love too *makes out*.

** Debbie walks in

Ew PDA go somewhere else.

Oh hush , are you going to prom ?

No that's over rated.

Oh okay well will you atleast help me get ready for prom next week ?

Of course what kind of friend would I be if not.

Aw yay ok I'm gonna look hella bomb.

Come up stairs and show me the dress.


I'll come with !!

You stay here Gallagher.

*** Well do you like your dress ? I hope so anyway how will prom night go? Find out soon :) Also I have a Shamless Instagram account go follow please it's

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