Hes home - Chapter 33

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      A couple of months passed by , today was the day that Carl Gallagher comes home but , he won't find me there. Me and Fiona have been counting down the days for my birthday it is exactly Seven days from now I've never been more excited for a birthday ever in my life.

*Gallagher home

*Carl walks in*

Hello , Y/N I'm home.


  Fiona comes running down the stairs with the crumpled letter in her hand.

"Carl" she screams

"Oh yeah hey" he says as he hugs Fiona

So where's Y/N ?

   "Carl your back" Debbie screams as she comes down the stairs ready to hug him.

    Carl hugs Debbie but has a sad look on his face , he thought that Y/N would be the first hello but , instead she was only the last goodbye.

     Sooo where the fuck is Y/N I did this for her why isn't she standing in front of me right now giving me a kiss and a hug telling me she's proud ?


What Fiona spit it out.

  Fiona hands Carl the letter and takes Debbie and herself up the stairs.

  The fuck is this another breakup letter ?

As he opened the letter he read ...

      Dear Gallagher , I'm assuming you have just gotten home from military school , I'm so proud of you my baby boy , I love you and I'm in love with you I will be home on my 18th birthday , Fiona can explain the rest.
    - Love Y/N

    Carl shredded a tear and immediately screamed for Fiona to come downstairs.

Okay Carl I'm assuming you -

Yes I read the god damn letter now what's going on ?

         Fiona told Carl everything that happened he was very surprised but relieved she wasn't gone forever.

Can we go and see her ?

Yes we actually can , you wanna go ?

"Yes please" he says as he pulled Fiona's hand and rushed out the door.

Y/N's "Home"

    I heard a knock at the door but , I didn't wanna get it because I knew it wasn't for me so I screamed to my aunt to get it.

Hello ?

    Hi it's Fiona and this is Carl he just came back from military school and he would like to see her.

Sorry no boyfriends allowed.

  Well technically we broke up before I left so I'm her "friend" you can say.

      Whatever , I couldn't get that girl to stop blabbing about how "in love" she is with you , you changed her Gallagher's she actually has feelings now.

Carl walks in and knocks on your door.

  I'm not hungry and remember only Seven days of living in this hell hole.

Well that's not very nice.


    I ran to the door and swung it open then immediately jumped into Carl's arms and held on as tight as I could.

I'm so sorry Carl , I fucking love you.

  Don't be sorry Y/N I did this all to show my love for you can never fade.

    He put me down and laid me on the bed , I wrapped my legs around him and he started to kiss me then moved down to my neck when all the sudden...

   Hey no sex in this house Mr , you waited a good couple of months you can wait Seven more days.

"Fine fine" we said as we giggled

I love you Carl , I won't let you go ever again.

I love you more Y/N and never let me go again.


   Aww see you guys are together again , I'm excited. Also I have Shameless Instagram account please follow its


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