Sneaky - Chapter 49

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   A couple days have passed by , Carl and Bonnie have been very sneaky and close recently which has me curious on what their doing behind my back.

"Good morning beautiful." Carl kisses my cheek.

"What time is it ?" I grunted

"Time for you to take the kids to school and for me to go to work." He smiles

"Why are you so bubbly this morning ?" I question

"Because I can be , okay get up!?" He yells

  I dreadfully drag myself out of bed and get ready to take the kids to school . While I was putting the kids in Fiona's car I saw Bonnie's car drive off away with her and Carl in it. I quickly gathered my stuff together and went in the car and followed them.

"Mommy where are we going ?" Franny whines

"Mommy is going to be a sneaky biscuit and she's gonna follow daddy." I smile

"Is Carl in trouble?" Liam mumbles

"Uh I don't quite know yet." I bite my lip.

  I eventually lost them so I decided to
take the kids to school and eventually go back home.

~Hours later~

    I was laying on the couch thinking when all the sudden I heard Carl come threw the front door along with Fiona.

"Hey Fiona" I smile

"Hey Y/N , I'll pick up the kids today just to give you a little kid break." She smiles letting out a chuckle.

"Oh okay thank you." I smile

"And what about me do I get a hello ?" Carl smiles leaning in for a kiss.

"That depends , are you cheating on me?" I say leaning back.

"For who!?" Carl asks confused.

"Bonnie , the only girl that you've been sneaking around with." I cross my arms. 

"No Y/N , first of all I wouldn't ever cheat on you and second of all why the fuck would I cheat on you for my ex !?" He frowns his brows.

"Then why are you guys acting like you are trying to hide something from me ?" I question

"You'll find out soon , now isn't the time though." He says

"Fine" I roll my eyes stomping up the stairs.

"Y/N !!" Carl yells

"Are you serious !?" Carl screams

"It's a surprise Y/N you can't be mad at  me trying to surprise you." He lowers his tone.

"Why does the surprise involve Bonnie Carl ?" I say peaking from Carl's door.

"You will find out soon , but for now you need to trust me." Carl says

"Fine Carl whatever I don't care anymore have fun , I'll find out soon." I say closing his door.

"Indeed you will." Carl mumbled


Sorry lame chapter but , what is Carl doing with Bonnie ? Find out soon , also go check out my other Fan Fics and etc. And follow my Shameless Instagram account please it's

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now