Pregnancy - Chapter 37

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         I woke up the next morning in discomfort. I went next to door to V and Kev's place to ask V if she had any pain killers. I knocked on the door to see same Russian lady I saw with Mickey and Ian the other day.

"You come in or gonna keep starring at me" A woman says standing in the door way.

"Oh yeah thanks." I say stepping inside.

"Kev and V upstairs with baby." The unknown woman announces while walking away.

   I walked up stairs to see Kev holding the children then , V sitting , and watching.

Hi sorry to intrude...

"Oh gosh Y/N what happened to you ?" V said walking up to me.

Long story , do u have any pain killers I can possibly have ?

Yeah sure I'll be right back.

  As V went downstairs to get the medicine I just sat there with Kev.

Is she having a rough time with the kids ?

    Yeah she just thinks they are a waste of time because I never wanna have sex or do anything.

"She will come around soon" I say standing up looking down at them.

    Here I got them , be careful and don't take to many you know Carl will have a tantrum.

"Thank you V" I say with a slight chuckle.
Also who's that Russian woman downstairs ?

Oh that's Svetlana , me and Kev's new wife.

    I looked at her in a confused way while scrunching my eyebrows together looking at the kids.

It's a long story , thanks for stopping by darling see you soon.

     I just waved my hand and walked down the stairs and out of the house , which lead me back home. I walked in the door to see Carl once again sitting on the couch with his arms crossed.

I was at Kev and V's Carl chill

   You want me to chill when last night you came home with ur body coverd in bruises and scratches on your face ?

     Carl I'm not in the gang anymore and neither are you so stop being such a dick to me and appreciate that I got u freedom.

"Your right I'm sorry , I'm just worried about you that's all." He say's while walking over to me putting a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's fine I understand" I said as I kissed him.

    "Excuse me love birds , I'm pregnant so the slightest things make me throw up please don't be one of the reasons." Debbie says rolling her eyes of disgust.

"Shit what have I missed" Carl says turning around to Debbie.

"Since when does being pregnant turn you into such a bitch." I say with slight attitude.

    We may be twins soon Y/N you keep hooking up with my  brother you might get knocked up too.

Hey don't disrespect me just because you can't learn the word "protection".

"You bitch" Debbie says walking closer to me.

Where is Derrick anyway and where have you been ?

Debbie throws a punch to my face while answering my question.

"Hey left town you slut." She says with a crack in her tone.

  Are you upset about it or do you actually think I'm a slut so you wanna hit me ?

"I'm sorry Y/N" she says bursting into tears.

Why would he leave me why , why now ?

    I wrapped my hands around Debbie and gave Carl the "leave us alone for a while look". So he nodded and went up stairs to his room.


    What is Debbie gonna do as a "single mom" will she have the child ? Find out soon , also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

     Hey guys so I have a new "book" and it's Carl Gallagher and Ethan Cutkosky imagines they are like mini stories / Imagines I would love for you guys to check it out please and tell me what you think thanks.

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