Bad news - Chapter 17

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What i'm about to say doesn't mean we are breaking up , i'm gonna marry you Y/N but , when I tell you this we might have to take a break....

God dammit Gallagher what is it *screams*.

I'm going to military school..

Your - your what ?

I'm going away for awhile Y/N.

Can me and Carl have a minute alone ?

Of course take all the time you need.

Everyone is out the room and Frank was dragged out the room.

What the fuck Gallagher , I give in and tell you I love you , and let you take my virginity and , take me too prom then this is the way you tell me you love me back , by leaving me a day after prom and a week after I told you I loved you.

Y/N it's not like that , I'm going so I can restart myself and come back with a clear mind and I can keep you safe and erase my past.

Carl your past makes you into the person your gonna be in the future and we are creating a new future together. Am I not enough to change that ?

No Y/N this isn't about you okay ? It's about me I wanna go for me , so I feel better about myself and I can support my family and you in the future.


What ?

Go Carl , I understand but , we aren't taking a "break" , your gonna go to military school with a girlfriend and your gonna come out of military school with one , I'm not leaving your side just because you wanna go away. I'm gonna take care of this family just how it was when you went away before except this time ill miss and love you until you come back. Then you will be better and we can be a bad-ass couple again. But make me a promise..

Of course baby what is it ?

You have to come back for a couple days to see me graduate.

I promise you Y/F/N I will be there to see you graduate.

I love you Carl.

I love you forever and always Y/N. *kisses*

How long do we have together ?

I'm leaving in a week.

I will make it the best week of your life.

You already make everyday the best day.

Well good this week will top all of the weeks.

Well tonight i'm taking the whole family out for dinner as a celebration of me wanting to find myself.

Good Gallagher I couldn't be more proud of you , and I can't wait to be with you the step of this ride. It's us against the world Gallagher.

Forever and always *smirks*. why are you crying ?

Because iv'e never been in love with anyone and the thought of loving somebody like you makes me so happy and I love you.

I love you Y/N and i'm so blessed that your suborn ass chose to fall in love with me.

Hours pass by of me and Carl cuddling and watching movies till it was time too get ready for tonight's dinner , I went upstairs to get a shower and fix my hair. then after I put on some makeup and straightened my hair , then threw on a white sweater with some light blue skinny jeans. After that we all squeezed into the car and left to the restaurant and by all of us I mean me Carl , Lip, Fi, Debs, and Ian . And oh did I mention Monica showed up uninvited ....


Wait why did Monica show up to the dinner party she wasn't even invited too ? , And how will the next week of you and Carl go ? Find out soon. Also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's



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