Carl's birthday - Chapter 40

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    I slowly opened my eyes and checked my phone noticing today is Carl Gallagher's birthday August 19th today is his 19th birthday , he was always a year older than me. So I turned over to Carl and woke him up with a kiss on the forehead.

"Happy birthday my handsome Gallagher." I said with a smile.

"Thank you beautiful." He said kissing my cheek.

    Carl got up and went to put on a shirt and a pair of shorts , then shortly after that I got up and did the same thing. After that we both went downstairs.

"Happy birthday Carl." Fiona and Debbie both said sitting a pile of pancakes on the table.

"Thank you , what are the plans for today ?" Carl asked shoving a pancake in his mouth.

"Well we where thinking it could be a guys day" Lip and Ian both say walking in threw the door.

"Hey you guys made it." I said with a smile.

"Hell yeah wouldn't wanna miss little Gallagher's 19th birthday." Ian said patting Carl's head.

"Uh yeah but , we should get going come on Carl." Lip said grabbing the car keys.

"Oh okay , bye Carl love you." I said kissing his cheek.

"I love you too" He said walking out the door with Lip and Ian.

"So Debbie your back home." I said

"Yeah , and I heard you might be pregnant too." Debbie said cutting her pancake.

"Sorry I wanted to make sure she wasn't planning on hurting you." Fiona said looking down at her plate.

"Yes Debbie but , unlike you if I am pregnant I will be getting an abortion.

"And what will Carl think about that ?" Debbie said

"I'm sure he will agree and besides I'm the one that is gonna be carrying it so he should respect my choice." I said 

"Well shouldn't you take the test ?" Debbie said with confusion.

"Yeah I probably should." I said walking up the stairs.

   I grabbed the pregnancy test and took it to the bathroom , I followed all of its instructions and after that I sat it down in a bag under a cabinet , I should find out my results by morning.
After taking it , I washed my hands and walked downstairs with all the party supplies for Carl.

"Shall we get decorating ladies ?" I said with a smile.

~Hours later~

  Lip texted me saying that they where on their way home so everyone hid in a hiding spot and waited for Carl.
Carl walked in the door and we all squatted down in our places.

"SURPRISE" We all said jumping out of our hiding places.

"Holy shit you all scared me but , thank you" He said with a bright smile.

"Now lets fuck some shit up" Lip says throwing his hands in the air.

Carl is having a fun time so I walked over to him and handed him a drink.

"I know you planned this , so thank you baby." Carl said taking the drink.

"You're welcome my love , happy birthday." I said kissing Carl

After a while of making out he picks me up and carried me up the stairs , as he opened his door he laid me on the bed and started kissing down my body as soon as I let out a moan he grabbed a condom from the dresser. Before he could even slip it on I stopped him.

"Carl I can't" I said sitting up

"What are you talking about." Carl said frowning his brows.

"I can't have sex with you not with all that's going on." I said

"Are you serious Y/N just because my sister got knocked up now you don't wanna have sex how fucking nice." He said in an angry tone.

"I'm sorry Carl" I said shedding a tear

"Whatever Y/N I'm gonna go enjoy my party." He said slamming the door.


Well Carl has had a little to much to drink haha , but what will your pregnancy test come out as ? Find out soon , also I have an Instagram Shameless account you should follow please it's

     Hey guys so I have another "book" called Ethan and Carl imagines it's like mini stories and imagines , please check it out because it's lit !! Also thank you for 15k I love and appreciate you guys so much.

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