Court date - Chapter 31

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* As you can guess two days later ...

Y/N wake up you need to eat and get ready for the court date this afternoon.

Oh is that today ?

Yes now get your ass up this isn't a joke you need to take this seriously.

Geez since when are you strict ?

Since your dating my brother and have been living here for almost 2 years !!

I'm not dating your brother Fiona.

Oh yes you are now shut up and get up.

"Whatever" I say as I roll my eyes and slam the door.

I got up out of bed and dragged myself to the bathroom , then I brushed my teeth and hair. After that I limped my way back to Debbie's room that we share and put on one of my professional dresses ,

 After that I limped my way back to Debbie's room that we share and put on one of my professional dresses ,

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Then I curled my hair and threw on some makeup and then , I put on a pair of black and white converse. As I slid on my shoes I quietly ran down the stairs to see Fiona cooking me breakfast.

"Well you look fancied up" she said as she slightly chuckled.

    Ha-ha so funny Fiona , but will you be laughing when I get taken away by  my crazy family.

      Hey don't joke about that Y/N , we are gonna win , we gotta win , this family has been called a lot of things but defiantly not losers.

     Fine fine I'm sorry I hope I don't get taken because I love this family and I love Carl.

     I know you do and he knows you do , your just making this love tough for him because he's sensitive when it comes to relationships so try to be easy.

We are gonna be late if we don't start driving down there now.

Okay let's go

* Hour later

We are here Y/N wake your ass up.

I'm up I'm up , I cannot believe it took us an hour to get down here.

Well to late to not believe it now let's go in.

     As we walked in I sat in the court room watching people come in and out until a group of people came in and those people where my "family".

"Hello Y/N" my aunt said.

"Hi , bye" I said as I rolled my eyes.

Judge : Order in the court , everyone silence.
We are here today for what reason ?

    Your honor , this is Y/N her parents died years ago and her brother recently died so she's been staying with me and my family for almost two years and now all the sudden her family wants her back and living with them.

And what's the problem ?

The problem is lady I don't wanna go.

Excuse me ?

     I mean your honor I'm sorry ,  I really wouldn't consider living with them , I'm happy and safe where I am now and I don't see why we have to change it.

How old are you Y/N ?

17 I'll be 18 in a couple months.

   Therefore you will be able to make your own decisions legally in a couple of months , so why don't you stay with them till then ?

   Your honor that's not what I'm here for I'm here to tell you I will be living with the Gallagher's.

    Well I'm sorry young miss but , they will have custody of you until your 18 in a couple of months then you may go back with the Gallagher's.
Okay I'm afraid we are done here goodbye. Next case.


     Kinda long chapter sorry but , you lost you won't be staying with the Gallagher's , what will happen next will you have a plan ? Find out soon also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

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