Run away - Chapter 26

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          A couple of hours passed by of just me and Ian in the car in silence till the silence broke and Ian started talking.

   So why are we running away exactly ?

      Its not forever I'm just under to much stress right now I feel like everything that has happened to me throughout my life just came pouring into my heart and now I feel heartless , its to much for me to even  handle in one day so I crossed out two problems.

Which are ??

  Me finding out what happened to me that night and Bonnie. 

     Carl has been blowing your phone up all night
Y/N , you should at least text him something too let him know your alive and safe.

    I checked my phone and saw so many missed calls and texts from Carl.

Gallagher ❣️ : Hey are you good ?
Gallagher ❣️ : Okay its been a couple hours , can you come back please Bonnie left.
Gallagher❣️: Fuck Y/N are you okay ?
Gallagher ❣️: I love you ...
Gallagher ❣️: Im getting pissed now stop being selfish and answer the goddamn phone Y/N.

   Those where all the texts I got from him and I felt bad that I left but , I need a break from Chicago and from life.

     Hey at least send him something so he isn't thinking about the worst that could happen okay please ? Or I will turn this car around.

Fine fine

  You :  I'm sorry , I'm in the car with Ian we are going away for a couple days so I can think about things and how I'm gonna handle all of this I love you Gallagher ill be okay see you soon.❤️

  It took about 10 minuets for him to reply but , he ended up texting back.

  Gallagher❣️: Y/N I understand your hurt and in pain but , you can't do this alone let me help you I love you so much shawty don't leave me.

  You :  I'm not leaving you Carl I'm just going somewhere for a couple of days I don't need your help or anyone's just give me time , I love you okay just remember that.

  Gallagher❣️: Fine , I love you be safe ill see you in a couple of days.

You : I love you Gallagher...

      After I said that I turned my phone off and decided to go to sleep in the car. Then after I woke up in a motel room with Ian on the floor and me on the bed. I felt alone without Carl and I felt scared but , I needed to think about things and make sure I'm doing the right things.

Carls Pov :

      I woke up this morning feeling alone she wasn't here in bed , I didn't know where she was and what she was doing. I know Ian is gay and wouldn't try to kiss her so at least I know she isn't finding another lover but , I want her home with me so I can take care of her.
I heard a knock at the door so I went to get it.

*Opens door*


What Bonnie ?

I heard about Y/N so I brought us some good heroine we could use to take off the stress till she gets home.

No , I need to not be high when my girl gets home now leave.

Oh come on she said in a couple days just this one time please ?

No Bonnie , now would you excuse me I'm gonna take a nap. *Closes door*

Bonnie's Pov :

He closed the door in my face I felt offended that he didn't have a little mercy on me but fine you wont do it so I will do it myself.


This chapter is hella long I'm sorry but , what is bonnie planning on and how will you feel after a couple days ? Find out soon :). Also I have a Shameless Instagram account follow please its

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