Forgiveness - Chapter 54

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"Y/N" Carl whispered

"What do you want?" I ask following with a sigh.

"I'm sorry"

"You always are apparently." I grunt

"No, I'm sorry for everything." He sits next to me.

"What are you talking about?" I ask facing him.

"I'm sorry I ever asked to marry you when I know I'm not gonna be enough for you." 

"No Carl.." I say trying to stop him from speaking.

"I'm sorry I tried to have a kid and all of it became a huge disappointment. And, I'm sorry that I got into a gang and later on two members of our family  were killed. But I am not sorry for falling completely in love with you, and, I'm not sorry for trying to put this family back together." He sniffles grabbing my hand.

"I'm not sorry either Carl." I say grabbing his red puffed cheeks.

"You're so fucking beautiful I hope you know that Y/N." Carl sniffled

"And you're the love of my life." I smile letting go of his face.

"Now why don't we go back inside and, plan our cemetery wedding and, our new home to live in." Carl smiles getting up and holding his hand out for me to grab.

"You're kidding right?" I ask confused


"I love you Carl Gallagher." I say grabbing his hand.

"And I love you too Y/N Gallagher." He smiles planting a kiss on my forehead and throwing his arm around me while we walk inside together.


Mini chapter, I don't know why just felt small today lol anyway check out my other projects on WattPad and follow my Shameless Instagram its

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