The result - Chapter 41

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I woke up the next morning once again feeling nauseous so I get up and run to the bathroom. After I do my business I brush my teeth and grab the plastic bag that has the pregnancy test inside. I open the bag to check my results when all the sudden I hear a knock at the door , so I quickly shove the bag inside my pants and open the door.

"Oh good morning love." I say to Carl who is standing at the door with a frown.

"Yeah hi , can I use my bathroom ?" Carl said with an attitude.

"Uh sure I guess , don't have to be a dick." I say walking away

"Why Y/N why can't I be a dick when all this time you won't fuck me because my sister got knocked up by some guy that left her." Carl says raising his voice.

"You don't understand Carl." I say raising my tone back.


"I MIGHT BE PREGNANT YOU ASS HOLE." I scream back at him

"Wha-wha-what ?" He asks stuttering

"The results are in my pants." I say taking the bag out of my pants.

"Well don't just stand there look at the damn thing." Carl says crossing his arms.

"Fuck you Carl" I say walking away

"No no no I'm sorry Y/N." He says grabbing my arm and pulling me back.

"You can't just rush me and be a dick to me when I might be fucking pregnant." I say snatching my arm from him.

"I understand I'm sorry , I'm just confused that's all , I'm sorry I love you and I wanna see the results with you." He said wrapping his arms around me.

I grabbed his arm and ran into his room shutting the door behind me. Then I sat down and opened the bag.

"This is it , our lives might change forever Carl." I say grabbing his hand

"Whatever happens even if it's positive , I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna be here." Carl says kissing my hand.

I opened the bag and grabbed the pregnancy test to see this result

  I opened the bag and grabbed the pregnancy test to see this result

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"What does that mean Y/N ?" Carl asks looking into my eyes.

"I'm pregnant" I say with a blank expression.

"That's great , a new beautiful Gallagher." Carl says with a bright smile.

"That's not great Carl." I say angrily

"What why not ?" Carl asks confused

"Because we live in the fucking hood , with barely any money , no rooms available , and I'm only fucking 18   Carl " I say standing up and pacing the room.

"So what the fuck are you suggesting Y/N ?" Carl asks in anger


"Why are you so upset , this is our child Y/N our child nobody else's you can't call our child an it." Carl says running his hands threw his hair.

"Carl I'm still a fucking teenager I'm not even 19 yet this isn't the right time to be having a child or even think about having a child okay , we can try another day but for now we can't have it." I say sitting down.

"So you're just gonna throw this child away as it meant nothing ?" Carl says

"You sound just like your sister , it's not even a fetus yet Carl it doesn't even have a body yet it's a tiny ass egg waiting to ruin my life." I say standing back up.

"You can't do this to us or to me." Carl says

"It's my life Carl it's not growing in your god damn stomach so stop acting like it is." I say

"Well it is apart of me and I don't think we should give it up." Carl says crossing his hands.

"Well we are either breaking up and I'll give it up or we will give this helpless egg up and wait till we're older." I say looking him in the eyes.

"Are you fucking serious ?" Carl asks

"Yes Carl I'm dead ass serious." I say


Well what will you and Carl's decision be ? Fine out soon , also I have a Shameless Instagram account you should follow please it's

Hello if you like Cole Sprouse and Ethan Cutkosky imagines you're in luck because I have two new books out one Xreader for Cole Sprouse and one imagine book for Ethan Cutkosky go check it out it's lit.
-Alexis :)

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