I can't - Chapter 55

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Me and Carl walked back inside and immediately started planning for our wedding considering we couldn't wait to make it official.


"Y/N, I don't think I can do this." Carl mumbles while closing the laptop.

"What do you mean my love?" I question scooting next to him.

"I just don't think I want my special day at a graveyard, no matter what the meaning is." He says resting his elbows on his knees holding up his face.

"I-I understand." I stutter rubbing his back.

"Where do you want it then?" I ask him

"Somewhere beautiful and lovely." He picks his head up.

"We should do it where Frank always goes when he talks to the spirits above." Fiona gasps adding in a laugh.

"Yeah, that place is on a beach and it's very pretty at sunset." Carl says looking over at me with bright eyes.


"Wait really?" He questions tilting his head.

"Yes of course, if that's what you want." I smile

"Yes-yes that's what I want." He stutters smiling at me.

"Cool two love birds finally agree on a place to throw their wedding." Fiona laughs taking a beer out the fridge.

"Tomorrow me and Y/N, will go and kinda look around for dresses." Fiona pops open her beer.

"How soon are we having this weeding?" I ask

"In six months." Carl says regretting he opened his mouth.

"Wha-what that won't be enough time." I stutter about choking on my water.

"Well it's gonna have to be because the new house were moving into wants us there in seven months." He smiles pulling up a picture of the new house.

"THE WHAT!?" I practically scream.

 "We're moving to Florida" Carl says I'm excitement

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"We're moving to Florida" Carl says I'm excitement.


"Do you like it?" Fiona smiles

"You knew about this?"

"Yeah, I helped pay." Fiona says sitting next to me.

"It's beautiful Carl, thank you." I tear up kissing Carl.

"And thank you Fiona." I smile hugging her tightly.

"It's what Debbie would've wanted." Carl smiles standing up.

"Cheers to Debbie." Fiona grins raising her beer in the air.

"Well I am ready for bed baby shall we ?" Carl puts a hand out in front of me helping me stand up.

"We shall" I smile walking up the stairs with him.


Sorry I'm like dragging this on but, I wanna keep this going for as long as possible. Anyway what will you're wedding dress look like? Find out soon also check out my other projects on WattPad, make sure to follow my Shameless Instagram its

Streets with a Gallagher ; Carl Gallagher (X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now