New years eve - Chapter 10

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Couple weeks went by and it's New Year's Eve , Carl says he has a surprise for me later tonight and I think I have one for him too.


"Oh Carl wake up ugly" I say with a smile.

"What Y/N?" Carl said confused

"Hey it's New Year's Eve get the fuck out of bed we need to have a amazing day just me and you now get ready sleepy head I have a surprise for you." I say with a smile

Okay homegirl !!

I go into Debbie's room we share then I put some makeup on , then I grab a pair of my high waisted jeans and a white crop top then curl my hair. I walk downstairs to see tired Carl sitting on the couch waiting for me.

"Finally what are we doing ?" Carl said

"You will see follow me , since you said ur taking me somewhere special today , I'm taking you every where I think you will love until the surprise moment leads up for me. First stop skatepark hope you ate breakfast while I was getting ready because it's gonna be a long day , bring your skateboard." I said while walking out the front door.

- In the Car

"So where are we going?" Carl asked

"I told you skatepark ."

"The skatepark is the other way though." Carl said confused

"I'm going to the new one , with the pretty forest."

"Really !! That place is so hard to get into because it's new." He said excited

"I know , that's why I paid them a lot of money to get the whole skatepark too ourselves for a whole hour." I said with a smile.

"No fucking way that's so dope Y/N fuck yea !!!" He said clapping his hands

"Haha it's all for you Gallagher."

- Skatepark

"Well here we are for a whole hour just us , go at it ." I said

"Not without you" He said

"What you mean I don't have a board."

"I wanna teach you ." He said with a smile

"Boy I can skate." I said with sass

"Prove it homegirl."

I take the board ride up and down the ramps with the board then when I finish I come back up grab the board and smirk at Carl who was amazed that I can even hold my balance on a board.

"Well damn you proved me wrong." He said looking surprised.

"Maybe it should be me teaching you." I said with a smirk.

"Nah kid I'm pretty good."

"Show me."

He shows me some pretty good skills and tricks , then security guard came in and told us that our private time is up and they are starting to let people in. So me and Carl left and we are now on our way to a restaurant for some lunch.

-At restaurant

"So what can I get you lovely couple today." A waitress said

This time I didn't say ew I just laughed and smiled at him.

"Actually we aren't a couple , I wish I could get that girl." Carl said

"Aw well dreams may come true , what can I get you guys to drink ?" The waitress asked

"I'll take a water" I said

"Same" Carl said

"Okay do you know what you want to eat ?" The waitress asked

"Actually yea we both want burgers we agreed on." Carl said

"Okie dokie I'll be back soon." She said

        Minutes later she comes back with our drinks and food. Me and Carl ate and laughed a lot , we kept making funny faces and makeing fun of the old rich snobs on this side of town , it was honestly really fun. We got the check then left , it ended up being already 4:30pm so we had a lot of time to burn.

***How will the rest of their night go , and what is Carl's surprise for Y/N ? Find out soon :) Also I have a shameless Instagram it's
Follow thanks.

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