Tord - i love you.. y/n...

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Y/n = your name!
L/n = your last name!
N/n = Your nickname!
E/c = your eye color!
H/l = hair length!
H/c = hair color!
F/c = favorite color!
F/m = favorite movie!
F/b = favorite book!
F/d = favorite drink
F/f = favorite FUUD!!!!!
I wanted to remaster this since this was my first oneshots book! It was CRINGY at first! And I rewrite this to make the oneshot book better! I'll rewrite the others! :> -Sep 17 2017

Seeing the light flash infront of my eyes....
As the truck hit me hard before I could ever felt the new world infront of me , I felt numb, scared , afraid of my actions what just happened earlier... I have gotten out of my numb body..

Seeing it makes me shiver blood.. gotten hit and layer down here stiff on my pool of blood mixed with regret..

Blood steamed down my mouth, as it was staining my clothes , my heart stopped before the last minute to feel how karma hit me hard.... that karma bitch..

How could I have not seen the danger facing me? Maybe I was just an idiot being loved by the person so called my old friend Tord....

I sighed and tears streamed down my face I was at my ghost form not able to do anything no one would see me or yet they can feel the coldness as they pass through me.

I was alone... now...

Maybe yet again I'll never express my feelings to the one I loved for a long time he never knew he never will... he will reject me for who I am (I AM THE ONE EY EY!) (sorry sad fanfic again lmao). I sighed and disappeared to the night...

I'm alone again..

Tords Pov

I looked at my watch (since when does he have one c: ) it was 9:50 pm I patiently waited for my lover to arrived sadly as I wait I began to worry they forgot about me ......

Maybe their just busy right?

I thought to myself I tapped my foot and looked out the window the night sky , the shinning stars, shinning down to the side walk with no one around I looked both ways and worry and worry they won't make it...

I stepped foot to the ground opening the door walked outside leaving the brown dark door open like no one was gonna enter anyways..I looked at the moon the bright blue moon shinning above me I began to have a sad face and looked at my watch the arrows... pointed at nine and pointed at fifty eight...

It's 9:58.. I think they forget about my already? Didn't they?

I thought to myself once again I just texted them to come here at 7:00pm... they didn't came here for 2hours straight Edd began to worry about me... I just tell him it was just fine don't worry about me .

I looked both ways of the side walk no one was around I started to walk back into the house completely slamming the door closed thinking the fact they didn't care about me no more...

I plopped myself on the couch turning on the news "Tord check if there's anything interesting news going on and if there's none put it on Matts favorite show... your the one!" Edd shouted from the kitchen making food for us to eat since it's already dinner time and Edd forgot to cook that's why he's cooking already.

I watched and watched and one caught my eye..

News caster : Breaking news there was an accident! In (some city name) aprrentky there was a person got hit by a truck! What a tragedy! That's why we always look both ways! I WISH OBAMA WAS THE PRESIDENT! :-:

What are they talking about?

They showed the someone covered in blood h/c in blood some of the hair got ripped out... she wore a red hoodie with a tag with my name on it... I gasped from the couch "THATS y/n!" I cried and Edd rushed to the living room with straight fallen tears..

Now I understood why they didn't came.... I hope they can see me right now...

"I'm so sorry Tord... they were a good friend to you..." Edd spoke and I shook my head I stood up and looked straight into his eyes "THEY WERENT JUST MY FRIEND THEY WERE MY LOVED ONE!" I shouted at him between sobs I ran out the door...

It was already raining I didn't care if I gotten sick or anything I just wanted to get out of here...

I stopped dead tracks at a forest I kneeled down and began to cry my heart out karma couldn't just take them away from me!

"KARMAAA!!!" I shouted


"I just could hear their sweet voice..."


"I just could feel them beside me.... talking to me..."

"TORD!" I turned around to meet a blue ish ghost figure with a hearted smile on their face I realized who they were I cried and stood up and ran to them but instead I met a cold feeling when I ran pass through them...

Oh right their dead....

"Why can't karma let me hug the one I loved!" I shouted out and Y/N flew to me and with a confused face..

"Loved?" They asked.

"Yes the one I love.. I love you y/n..." I cried and realized they disappeared and I hope they could hear my words...

|Next ; tom - I should be there with you|

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