OppositeDay! Tom x Reader : Staring into the dark sky with him

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  Opposite!Day Tom X Reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie
B/N = Bully name
O/F = Online friend
D/B = Dog breed

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Requested by Author of this story :3
Au : Opposite day!!!!YEEE
Your Pov
"COME ON Y/N!!! IT WILL BE FUN!!!" Tom said tugging my arm I rolled my eyes and followed him..


"Guys Guys!!!" Tom said looking at us "What?" Me and Matt said and tom grabbed his jar and showed us his jar was full "I have money for us!" He spoke with a smile I blushed and Matt nudged my shoulder "Hey!" I said and he chuckled "So.. wh-here d-did y-you g-get  the m-money?" Tord said shuttering I smiled at his cute shuttering "Oh! This? Matt keeps paying me! For cursing!!" He said lifted the jar up like glory I giggled "fuck..... I need my money back..." matt said I ooo him...

"JARRR!!!!!" Tom said "COME ON!!!!!'" And Matt payed "Thanks!!" Tom said "So what's the money for?" I asked "Oh yeah I forgot we're gonna go to the fair!!!" Tom said "All my money just to spend in the damn fair :-:" Matt said "sure why not?" "Yay!!!" "C-cool.." "IS THERE EXPLODING RIDES?!?!" Edd said and tom shook his head in disappointment "awwww...." Edd replied and I went to my room and changed into my f/c sweater and white shorts and f/s (favorite shoe) and went out to the car and Matt is driving....

"I CAN HANDLE ITTT!!!" And I was here shaking matt's driving IS TERRIBLE!!! "DOG!!!!!!" Tom said and Matt drive the other way causing the dog to run the other direction "ILL DRIVE NEXT TIME!!!" I said still shaking and tord was crying "I wanna g-get o-of t-his!!" He said wheezing like a little child "are you okay Y/N?" Tom said looking at me frowning "I'm okay!" I said still fucken shaking.

o.tom : JARR!!!!
Author chan : NUUUU!!!!!


"You don't look okay! You need a hug!" Tom said and he hugged me I blushed deep deep DEEEEEEPPP (the fuck how is it possible..) (O.Tom : JARRR!!!) and Matt smirked on us "Love bir-----" he was to finish but Tord said something "EDD!!! Tord said and Edd jumped out and Matt caught him "NO MOREEEEE DEATH FOR U MISTER!!!" Matt said "AWWW!!!" Edd responded and Matt locked all ALL the doors preventing Edd to escape

=====Time skip=====

"We're here!!!!!" Matt said getting out of the car and Edd was at the back of Matt like a baby "No baby Edd you can't go" Matt said "BUT DAD I WANT DEATTTTHHHH" Edd responded with a whine and I chuckled and tord went to the bear game and I saw Tom with the other girls I got really jealous and tom called me and I went to him "Girls! This is my best friend Y/N!" He introduced me to them and they sent death glares to me causing me to be scared of them "Oh she's REALLYYYY UGLY!!!" One said "Yeah!!!! Hang out with us!!!" The other one tugging or holding Toms hand and tom backed away "I'm sorry! I can't hang with you! Who says my friend is ugly! I'm so sorry!!" He said and he grabbed my hand.


So here I am following Tom looking out for him like a girlfriend would do and I saw him go towards the ferries wheel I blushed deep I know where was this going.. and I looked at the sky it was getting dark... "DARKKK!! AS DEATH!!" I heard someone say I turned back to see Edd climbing up something "EDD GET DOWN HERE!!!" Matt said "NUUUU!!!" Edd said and I rolled my eyes as I followed Tom again and he stopped and "why did you st---" as I was gonna finish but he grabbed my hand and dragged me to a seat "sorry y/n!!" And he hugged me I blushed again "it's okay..." I said looking at the sky beautiful stars shining above us.

O.Toms Pov
Her eyes shine as the stars above us I blushed she's so beautiful!!!!!!! I smiled wide and she noticed me smiling "What's with the smile?" She asked and I blushed "Oh your really pretty!!!" I said and she blushed to and she chuckled at it still blushing "Thanks!!" She said and there was a crash sound I looked around and the ferries wheel was shaking me causing me to fall on top of her connecting our lips together

Your Pov
He's kissing me!!! And he pulled away from embarrassment "IM SO SORRY!!!!! ILL MAKE UP FOR IT!!!" He said I chuckled and peck him on the lips "it's okay I love you to~" I said to him and he smiled and responded with a I love you and we hold hands and look at the stars together with him "YOUR WELCOME N/N!!!" I heard matt said "HEY YOUR THE ONE!!! WHO WAS SHAKING IT!!!" I heard someone says "SHIT GOTTA RUN!!!" And I heard running sounds me and tom ignore it.. we were to busy looking at the beautiful sta- "SHIT!!!" Matt screamed "GET DOWN THERE!!!" Heheh.. this will be an interesting night~

I GOT SLEEPP FINALLYYYYYY >:3 and no one requested it :-: and next is the final part of future tom x reader x Tom : I'm sorry.... i_am_the_ one this is meh entry

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