Child tord x Child Reader = Glad to be with you 2

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||Keys|| :

Y/N = your name
L/N = your last name
E/c = eye color
H/c = hair color
H/L = hair length
H/S= hair style
F/c = favorite color
S/f/c = second favorite color
F/f = favorite food
F/S = favorite snack
F/d = favorite drink
F/M = favorite movie to watch
F/a = favorite animal
(....) = the author talks
That's all you need to know! QWQ

The girl disagree at that question and scooted close to Tord , Tord felt himself blushing hard since her hair was close to his face.

The boy beside Tord growled really loud.

And the girl looked at Tord which was y/n and she blushed and scooted back a little and tord muttered Norwegian words under his breath.

"Oh hi!" She spoke to Tord.

Tord spoke with a smile and has a blushing expression "hi I'm Tord" he held a hand out , this is the first time he spoken to a girl and let anyone to shake his hand... his friends was questioning that Tord was acting weird around her.

Y/n giggled and was about to shake his hand but something happened...

—————— a quick review of chapter one ^^^ —————-

Y/n was about to shake his hand but someone shook his hand first. Tord closed his eyes to feel her hand but it wasn't her hand it wasn't that soft, or anything. It was more rough not even smooth... as it is compared to a females hand to a males hand.

Y/n noticed this Tord opened his eyes to reveal the Matthew from earlier who said a pick up line to her.

Tord put a bored expression and nearly crushing his hand as Matthew flinched by his sudden movement . Matthew should have held Y/Ns hand instead of Tords hand he got it... karma beat him to it.

Matthew whined as he tried to get out of Tords grip but failed after a minute of nearly crushing... Matthew tried to pulled his hand away from his success! Tord released  his grip from Matthew making matthew fall flat on the floor on his back ouch! That will leave a mark.

Y/N was terrified and decided to help Matthew. Matthew the other hand was really injured his back hit the ground as the teacher was talking to someone outside it must be really important.

Matthew looked at Tord as he held her hand with a sly smirk on his face. Tord held a pencil in his hand and broke it.

Matthew flinched as his death glare became worse.

Y/N pulled Matthew up and help him go to the clinic. Tord watched the two walk away further and further that made him sigh and look down what he had down on his pencil. He could do this to Matthew but Yandere much? He didn't exactly like Matthew really... he's really a damn crap to mess with.

Tord sighed as he was called by the principal.

He stood up and walked as his other classmates makes gasps, whispers and has widen their own eyes this was the third time...

————-Let's see what's Y/N doing——

Y/n just got out from the clinic and waved at Matthew goodbye he waved to with a smile as the nurse plunged a syringe on his arm.

It nearly hurt Y/n's ears as she heard the loudest girl scream she ever heard.

"It's almost done just hold still I need to put 3 more!" The nurse exclaimed as she pulled out the syringe she was gonna fill it up again. "3 MORE?!?!" And the nurse chuckled "it will not hurt a bit!" She replied "BUT YOU JUST!" "I know".

Matthew was complaining to the nurse it was worth the wait to hear Matthews screams but it might hurt the eardrums really bad.

"I'll be going now!" Matthew heard and smiled and screamed again as the syringe hit his cheek "damn it! Wrong position! Oh well I'll adjust that!" Y/n and her class could hear more and more girly screams from the clinic. It was like a woman giving damn birth!

Y/n was walking her self to class as she looked at the two men entering the principals office she took a peak as they forgot to close the door.

"Alright what did you do this time?" One with a yellow hoodie sat beside Tord as the pink one sat beside also Tord. Were they his parents?? Y/N thought to her head.

The principal was sitting on the chair fixing the papers looking professional.

"Excuse me Mr. and Mr. larsson your son pushed a student causing to injured his back"

The pink one was flinching.

"THATS MISSES LARSSON TO YOU!" The pink one shouted while the yellow explains something to Tord.

And I looked down to see a gun I raised an eyebrow and picked it up and I accidentally pull the trigger. Their heads turn to me.

To be continued


"Y/n.....?" Tord looked at me with widen eyes...

"Oops..." I scratched the back of my head. "S-sorry..." and the pink and yellow one looked at me and looked back at Tord and questioned 'who is she'.

Tord sighed "she's my classmate" he replied and the pink one wiggles his bushy eyebrows "are you sureeeee~?".

"Yes dad!" Tord shouted.

"Okay many years later she's gonna be your girlfriend soon" the pink one snorted "SHE IS NOT GONNA BE MY GIRLFRIEND" "yeah yeah and..."

"Are you sure it looks like your girlfriend to me"






"Your no fun son!"

"Hahaha you to"

"Hello mind explaining me what happened here???" I asked. "Go answer your girlfriend Tord~" the pink one smirked as tord looked at me "gi-I-ant r-o I mean hi" Tord shuttered "so what happened?!" I said and he explained "so you have gay dads that's all I hear and the rest were you saying giant robot... yeah I totally get it.".

Tord face palmed and sighed " I swear to god-"

The yellow one stepped forward and slapped Tords cheek "NO SWEARING TO GOD!".

"As I was saying if I end up in this office"

——years later——

"If I end up in this office you better slap me.... remember the promise?" Tord looked at me I laughed and slapped him hard.


"You said slap you"


"You are in the office"

"Why did I end up with you"

"After you punched Matthew more like hurt him"

"Oh yeah"

"Remember the time when your dad said we're gonna be together.... well he was right"

Actually y/n and tord were looking outside at the sky sitting on the grass and pau and pat hiding in the bushes "why are we doing this again?" "Simple! Patty boo! I get revenge at my son!" "OUR SON!" "Yeah I shouldn't let you be on top next time..."

Pau looked both of them and jumped out of the bushes and shook y/n "YOU DID THE DO YET?!?! " pau yelled "DAD!!!!!!!"

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