Tord - First time~? SMUT

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  Tord X reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Your Pov
You have been living with tord your boyfriend your king your hentai loser it's been a year since you dated tord after a few months you live with him the Norwegian cutie by your side as I was saying (bitch please :-:) you and tord were in a bed sleeping you woke up first to make break fast as you were trying to get out of bed he caught you "Babe.. do-nt leave.." he said in a sleepy voice.

"But I have to make breakfast!" I spoke he smirked "I'm not hungry~" he spoke HES NOT HUNGRY THEN! I tried to get out of his grip "I'm hungry for you~" he said in his thick Norwegian accent of his I blushed and get out of his grip and exit the room I heard him chuckle I sighed and went down stairs to fucking make break fast for us two.

I was making bacon or cooking if even and I was done and I started placing the damn pancakes and flip them and of course i placed the bacon on the table if didn't IT WILL BE FUCKING COLD and I was done making the damn Pancakes and I placed it on the table with the plate (would I let you eat without plates? Try :-:) and I placed he water "Babe! Breakfast is ready!" I yelled and i heard footsteps.

"I'm here no need to yell" he spoke I rolled my eyes "then how I would wake you up?" I spoke he smirked and came to me as he took I step I blushed next another fucking blush and he came to me and whispered "you can wake me up by~" I was thinking dirty thoughts was he gonna fuck me?....  "By kissing me~" I sighed of relief "What?" He spoke I shook my head and he chuckled and we sat down on the table and we eat.


Okay I was waiting for tord to get the popcorn because we were gonna watch zombie pirate from hell four as I was waiting something caught my eye a magazine? I took it under the tv and I looked at it it was labeled 'Hentai' what the fuck is that? I turn the page I blushed madly naked girls?! So... before he dated me he read these?! (Deez nuts) and he came back with the popcorn "I'm back bab---" he looked at me and saw I was blushing and he placed he popcorn down "No no no!" He took it away from me "Hentai huh?~" I smirked he blushed "Why do you have hentai I'm here~" I said seductively I think that's turning him on he blushed again and sat down with me and threw the hentai somewhere I cannot find or see at all.


It was in the middle of the movie (my fucking middle finger ) "I'm going to be back babe I'm going to the bathroom" i spoke standing up he nodded "Oh yeah and don't go in the other room beside ours okay?" I was curious what was there? I nodded and headed to the bathroom.


And I went out and I was fucking curios what was in there? And I went to the room I shouldn't be going and I heard footsteps "Ahh I told you don't go there~" he sis sand smirked I blushed and tired to hide but he carried me to his I meant our room and close the door and pinned me down on the bed I blushed and he smirked and kissed me passionately and I kissed back and my he grab my wrist and placed them beside my head as he was kissing m,e and he pulled away and smiled "do you want to go further babe?" He asked I nodded shyly I wanted this but it's feels wrong in the same time and he smirked and kissed my neck and tried to find my sweet spot once he found it he licked it suck on it and abused it I moaned that was definitely turning him on and he used his free hand to slid his hand under my shirt I blush.

And he removed my shirt and saw my bra my f/c bra he smirked and let go of my wrist and unclipped it and threw the fucking bra somewhere in the room once he does that he turned to me and cupped my breasts I blushed and he bended down and placed the bud on his mouth and swirl his tongue around it I moan "To-tord." I moaned a little loud this time and the other breast has the same treatment and he pulled away from my breasts and he removed my pants and saw my wet lady hood "Someones wet~" he spoke I blushed and he bend down and removed my panty slowly teasing me and once he removed that I could feel his hot breath against my lady hood and he licked it and I moaned and he smirked but I couldn't see it.

And he stuck his tongue in my lady hood I moan but I bit my lip he looked at me "Moan for me~" he said and I nodded and he curled up his tongue and hit my g-spot I moan loudly and he pulled away and he removed his shirt and his pants he was left in his boxers and he fingered my lady hood I messed with his hair begging for more and he inserted another one and I moaned i was about to cum I did and he removed his two fingers from my lady hood and I can see the cum on his fingers he licked it "You taste sweet~" he said in his thick Norwegian accent and he removed his boxers and insterted his Member inside of me once he does that it hurts badly a few tears rolling down my check he noticed and kissed them, away " ready? And don't worry it's my first time to.." He spoke I nodded and he began thrusting in and out "Your..-- S-o b-big.." I shuttered because he was so big "Y-your s-o t-ight..'" and he groaned while I moaned his name "T-tord f-faster.." I moaned out and he did what he was told.

And he thrusted in and out faster "Y--Y/n" he moaned out it feels like a knot in my stomach I was about to cum "To-tord I'm a-bout t-o" and he moaned my name "M-me t-to..!" And we moan each other's name and we both came and he fell on he bed beside me panting "T-that w-was amazing.." I panted and he  nodded "I-love you Y/N" he spoke and "I love you to tord" I said between pants to and we cuddle and he pulled he cover and we sleep into darkness.

Holy shit I'm not comfortable writing this smut and thanks for 600 reads!

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