Child Tord - i miss you Part Two

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Child Tord X Child reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Your Pov
it's been 10 years or more than that? I moved away from my parents because I need to start a new life I won't stay in my parents house it reminds me of him.. my child hood friend that left me for so many years yet still he remains in my heart even though he forgot the promise he made.. (cheesy)

Okay as I was saying I was walking to my house fast because I heard there will be a zombie apocalypse soon I crossed the street looking both ways and I saw two people one is a zombie because he had ginger haired and his skin was green... ish.. and he has a black shirt?... wait... ginger... it reminds me of Matt... I smile and I saw a guy his face has a line? Wait... black eyes like tom but it's a line.... is it really them? I shrugged and crossed the street minding them and I see a light heading this way I was in the middle of the damn crossing street thing (I have no idea)

I see a horned man wait horned man..... tord? Wait it can't be right?.... and I see a green hooded man... wait he reminds me of Edd he loved green I smile and they noticed and Tord gasped I just realized I'm gonna fucking die so I speed walk more like run out of the street crossing line thingy and the car crashed on the wall and I see the other two who looked like Matt and tom they went to the necronomicon place.. I guess and the two went out of the car and the horned guy looked at me.. "Y/N?" He spoke its really him I went to him with my arms wide.

He did the same when I got to him I smack him on the head "Oww!" He groaned "YOU DIDNT EVEN VISIT ME!'" I told him "Y/N it's really you?" The green one spoke I looked to him "Edd?" I said he hugged me tightly I was happy I was letting out tears of joy did I say tears of joy? Oh I mean in pain because the hug is really tight.."Edd!!!" I yelled causing him to let go of me "sorry it's just I missed you" he smiled and I smiled "I miss you to" and I heard an ahem I looked it was tord "Where's my affections?' I rolled my eyes and hugged him and he hugged two "are you still mad?" He spoke I nodded he frown and I let go of him and he did a fake pout "why are you a zombie?" I asked him "heheh.. long story.." Edd spoke while scratching his back I rolled my eyes "So were you guys headin?" I said they pointed where The eyed man and the ginger went "That's where The line eyed man and he ginger went?" I exclaim.

"You met Tom and Matt?" Tord said I face-palmed myself "it was Tom and Matt.. I'm a idiot" I said "Yes you are~" Tord and Edd said "OH SHUT IT!" I yelled and they jumped and they relaxed a bit and we went where Tom and Matt went.


Matts Pov
"I think we saw Y/N?" Tom said as he said that I see a survivor and I eat it "Matt do you have to eat every survivor coming our way?!" Tom exclaimed and I saw the necronomicon resting place and I went in "Hmm.. inviting.." I heard tom say and I rolled my eyes and  I saw the book wait... why are they three?! "THREE BOOKS?! NO ONE SAID ANY THREE BOOKS?!" I yelled and I saw one book was stolen "Hey!" I said and they or someone stuck their tongue out and they opened the book they screamed as their head was exploded and the blood went to Toms face I rolled my eyes and look for the book other book I was going to open one but I heard something..


Your Pov
Were here at the necronomicon resting place I looked for them and I saw the ginger and the lined man "MATT TOM!!!!" I shouted and they looked back to me "Y/-Y/n?" Matt and Tom said I cried and nodded and I went straight to them to hug them and I did they hugged back and I pulled away "I miss you guys" I smiled and they smiled "We miss you to..'" they said and they told me why are they zombies and while telling the stories Tord keep slapping my butt every time he did that I smack him  on the head wow he'd grown into a huge pervert I must say... "and that's how we turn into a zombie!" Matt said only but Matt was expecting Tord to say the same so Matt smack him "HEY DONT SMACK ME I ALREADY GOTTEN SMACK!" He yelled and I giggled "fine.. again!" Matt yelled and tord rolled his eye.. "And that's how we turn into a zombie!" Matt said with happiness but tord was lazy meh... and they agreed who will Live because they have only one chance so tord went up to the book and opened it "WHAT IS YOUR WISH?!" The book said and he whispered "OKAY" and the book made him normal? I guess "Why are you normal I thought you flew?" I asked he shook his head and went to me and lifted up my chin "My wish was to be human so I can be with you~" he said I blushed "I love you.." he added I smirk he noticed and I kissed him roughly and he jumped but relaxed and returned the kiss and we pulled away "I love you.." I said and he smiled "I love you to.."


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