Child Tom - Telling how we met~

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  Child Tom X child  reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie
C/N = Child Name

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Requested by the author of this story :3
Your Pov
Its the day my first day of kinder garden I'm exited to met other kids! Be friends! New friends! I was smiling and I was in my moms car she was driving smiling noticed me smiling of excitement.

"Are you excited?" She asked while driving not looking away from the road I jumped up and down and she chuckled by the noise she was hearing I smiled and we reached there to kinder garden I see kids dropping off smiling and greet their friends and wave goodbye to their parents..

I smiled and she smiled to and help me get off the car and my mom did to got off the car and locked the doors and we headed inside of he kinder garden she was holding my hand walking through the halls of my new school I smiled and skip.

And we reached to the principals office and she knocked and we went in I greeted Mr Doritos (HA DONT JUDGE SHIT) and he smiled and showed me he way to my class and my mom went home.

While me and Mr. Doritos was walking I hear teaching and clapping I looked I see kids and a teacher clapping and singing songs I smiled and Mr. Doritos knocked on the door causing the Teacher to opened the door and I greeted her and she smiled and let me in and the kids were looking at me I was nervous am I?... "Alright class this is are new student! (y/N!)" she smiled and the other kids waved and some said hi I felt welcomed here and she told me to sit beside the kid with a teddy bear who is wearing a blue jump suit and I sat beside him and he looked at me "Nice Hoodie " he complimented to my f/c hoodie I smiled and complimented him back and he told me his name was Tom it suits him and I told him my name of course he knew and he smiled and we became friends! And he told me to meet his friends.

Yay! New friends! I smiled and agree to it and we listened.


"Is that how you met? You compliment her?..."   tom smiled "I can't help it her hoodie was nice" I rolled my eyes "BACK TO THE STORY!" And tom said


Your Pov

Its lunch I smiled and asked tom where was the lunch I followed him and we made it and he waved at someone?... I look where he was waving I couldn't see where he was waving at and I felt something grab my hand and dragged me somewhere..


"You dragged her to the table?!" And tom chuckled "she was doing something! And I want to be quick!" He pouted I rolled my eyes and I nudged his shoulder and he chuckled and continued


Toms Pov

And I grabbed her hand and led her to the table where my friends at and she looked at them with a smile "Hi!" She exclaimed and they greeted back and Tord waved and Edd nudged "H-OI..." Tord spoke causing Y/N to giggle and tord blush in embarrassment and we talked and we had a new edition to the edds group!




Your Pov
And more often me and tom we hang out and sometimes with his friends we awakes schedule a play date! We played Monster and the hero.. we watched he children build a pillow fort.. and others! It was so fun! I wish I can stay like this forever...


"I wish I can meet my crush like your mom!" C/n smiled and I giggled and tom chuckled "well you can meet the the right girl/Guy" I smiled and C/N smiled "Welp it's my turn you told your love story met thing! IM TEACHING C/N HOW TO USE A GUN!" Tord grabbed C/N "TORD NO!!!!" I yelled and I chased Tord "UNCLE TORDD FASTER!!!" C/N yelled causing Tord to chuckle and run faster "WHY ARE YOU FAST?!" I yelled and he laughed and C/N to "ITS CALLED EXERCISE!!!! HAVE YOU EVEN HEARD IT?!" He yelled I was angry did he call me fat?! "SO YOUR SAYING IM FAT?!??!?" I run faster and he sweat and gulp "YOUR IN TROUBLE UNCLE TORDIE!" C/N and tord laughed nervously and I chased him "GO GET HIM!" Tom yelled I rolled my eyes and chased him.

Thanks for the 950 reads! And I'm not going on order ._.

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