Mark - reading worms

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Mark X jons sister READER
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Requested by @Melody_MysteryYT
Your Pov
I was walking down the road looking for the house that my brother lived in I checked I saw the address I called my brother if he sees me he smiled and ran to me and hugged me causing to drop my phone I frown and he frown "I'm sorry..!" He told he I chuckled and ruffled or mess with his hair I smiled "hey!" He stopped me from doing that that made me chuckle again I smiled and pick up the broken parts from my broken phone and I'll throw it in the trash later I picked the parts and Jon carried my bags inside the house of his once I go in there I hear arguing "WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!" I yelled and Jon and some guy turned to me "I was trying to teach this boy a lesson sweet cheeks~" I was angry I punch the guy on the face "don't mess with my brother and don't CALL ME THAT!" I yelled and I see if Jon is alright he is but he needs ice for his eye tho I grabbed the ice from the fridge and while some guy in purple sweater drags the guy who punched my brother he noticed me "WHO ARE YOU?!" We both said in unison.

I sighed "I'm Mark and that idiot over there is Eduardo" he said "Your name?" He asked I sighed again "I'm jons sister Y/N" I said I clench my fits near to his face "If you do anything to my brother ILL KILL U!" I smiled "understand?" He nodded and dragged Eduardo to his room I rolled eyes and told Jon to put the ice on his eye so it will heal and I asked Jon where was I going to stay he pointed at the f/c door beside the blue one I'm guessing that's his?

I got my bags and put it on the f/c color room with a Queen sized bed and a desk and a dresser I'm guessing new life? I plop myself into bed oh my god this is so SOFT! I curl up into a ball so I don't want to get out I start to fall asleep but I forgot something MY BOOKS! I went to my bag to find my books but they are not their I rushed to the living room seeing mark reading my books and my bag open I was angry "hey mark?" I asked he turned to me and "hmm?" I punched him on the face "THATS MY BOOK YOU IDIOT!" I yelled he put a hand where did I punch him "You- read?" He asked I nodded "reading is fun ya know!" I exclaimed and I got my bag and my book from him and went to my room and put it on my new desk white desk at I fell in love (hahahha no) I closed the door and I sat down on the chair and read (INSERT FUCKING BOOK NAME HERE) and it was nice I sighed.

Marks Pov
She punched me.. she reads at least she's not like her brother but she's more cooler and she's a book worm like me (if you don't know what a book worm is like your obsessed with reading like right now) I think I fell in love.. but right now I need ice once I got the ice I went to the chair and try to find my book I can't find it I went to y/n's room and knocked on the door "Come in~" her voice sounds like heaven I went inside and I saw her reading (INSERT FUCKING BOOK NAME HERE) I loved that "That's my favorite!" I said with joy she looked at me and chuckled "This is my favorite to and what do you want?" She asked "oh yeah I was finding my green book have you seen it?" I asked she nodded and went to her bag and found it and she gave it to me  and I thanked her and I was reading on a chair with ice on I flip one page and I see a note?

Hi Mr. balls! I see your reading this but I want you to know (THERE IS NO TIME YOU AND ME AN--- sorry) why the fuck you have a butt on your chin? And your cute for a book worm like me~

~Love Y/N

I blushed at the compliment and why the hell she calls me Mr. Balls? Is it because I have a butt on my chin? Is it really weird when you fart instead of the butt your butt chin farts (HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH don't steal the fuck this..) ?? Hmm. I went inside of Y/N's room and was going to ask her why the insult as I was entering I heard..


Very cute


Did I say cute?!

Wow I was really falling for her.. I see her sleeping her head on her desk I smiled and brought her to her bed and closed the lights as I was leaving I heard something "Ma-mark?" She spoke I turned around to see her "can you stay with me?" She asked I blushed that the fact I have a wrong idea "don't get the wrong idea!" She blushed I nodded and stepped and cuddle with her on her bed I was blushing I was pulling her close to me is this love? I heard a giggle "I love you mark~" she said I smiled "I love you to~" and we both fell asleep cuddling each other

Second kinda longest.... and wow I don't know Mark's personality at all I just put there .._.. okay.. see ya?

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