Green leader edd! X reader :Otaku away!

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||Keys|| ;

Y/N = your name
L/N = your last name
E/c = eye color
H/c = hair color
H/L = hair length
H/S= hair style
F/c = favorite color
S/f/c = second favorite color
F/f = favorite food
F/S = favorite snack
F/d = favorite drink
F/M = favorite movie to watch
F/a = favorite animal
(....) = the author talks
Requested by @Lilycute333 I'm sorry if I don't get your username right ;-; FORGIVE ME


Edd was making baking bacon the usual morning nothing new tom passed out on the floor while matt was on the wall for some reason his reason was because he could be one with the wall....

Edds phone was on his pocket Edd whistle while he cooked the bacon...


Edd screeched and accidentally dropped the bacon the grease was on the floor same as the bacon dingo went to it and sniffed it. Edd facepalmed and sighed and got his ringing phone and checked what was the noise about.


From - ||Y/N~ CHU CHU||


To - Eddie potato head~

To - ||Y/N~ CHU CHU||

'What's wrong this time you made me drop my bacon! If it's your body pillow again just ask tord' 'you know he owns a pillow with some anime girl on it!''I swear if you removed its stitches again...'

From - Eddie potato head~

Edd sighed last time the emergency was you asked Edd if you can borrow his tv to just use your console to play some dating sim. Not really anything important and Edd received a another text from you.


From - ||Y/N~ CHU CHU||

'It's not about the damn pillow! And don't you DARE TALK TO (Anime boI) LIKE THAT! I would never! And please get oVER HERE!!!'

To - Eddie potato head~


Edd sighed once again as he walk away once ringo dingo eat the bacon on the floor. Edd walked to his room his messy cola room his big cola plush was next to his dresser. Edd put on his everyday hoodie green. He put some pants on and grabbed his cola and headed out to your house.

Edd knocked on the door hearing little soft footsteps from inside someone opened the door it was your little brother his eyes widen and smiled brightly and hugged Edd.

"Eddie! Eddie!" He chanted with joy Edd hugged back and asked your little brother where are you.

Little brother put on a irritated look and pointed upstairs which meant you are in your room. Edd ruffled his hair and thanked him as he passed a black tv on the living room to upstairs to your room.

A squeal would be heard from your room that made Edd went inside your room without hesitation.

"So what is it—" he looked at you as you hugged your anime boy body pillow with delight your face as blushing your eyes glued on the tv infront of you.

Edd sighed and sat on your bed and snatched the body pillow out of your hands. You screamed out loud Edd was about to have ear cancer right now.

"(ANIMEE BOIII) WHO TOOK YOU AWAY FROM MEE?!" Y/n screamed and turned around with a 'oh' face you snatched (anime boi) from his possession and looked back at the screen.

"So what do you need me for?" Edd asked.

"Oh I need you to help me pick an outfit!" Y/n replied as she picked up the controller and flipped through some fancy outfits that made Edds eye twitched.

"You know you should ask Matt about this..."


"How about this!" It was already 5;00pm no longer the morning rise Edd was stuck with you flipping same outfits.

Edd looked at the time and got irritated "you know their all the same why don't you just pick one! It's not like your going on a real date with some boy!" Edd spoke while you gasped and hugged the tv.


Edd gasped and placed his hand on his chest "Why YOU HAVE BEEN LOOKING AT THE SCREEN ALL DAY! Why don't you do it in real life?"

"If I did there would be mistakes from time to time but in fictional you can redo whenever you want!"

"It's not the same if you do it in real life!!"

"Hai hai I like it fictional! PERIOD!"

"Your on your period? Is that why your cranky?"


"You are!"



"NO!" You slapped Edd with a pillow. Edd did he same thing to you and it became a pillow fight both of you getting slapped by pillows on the face by the amount of you getting slapped by pillows your little brother thought you were building a pillow fort... oh how fun...

Edds phone was on the floor you panted and he panted his body on your bed as you saw his phone you got it and scroll some pictures you stood up phone his hand and took a picture of him , him with a red sweaty face. You giggled and saw a new text.

Maybe he got a girlfriend you thought in your head.

You looked at it and read it "Edd?"


"Your the green leader????!!!"



Once Tom woke up.. matt was on the wall trying to reach his mirror.

"Tom get my mirror please!" Matt shined as he was still on the wall.



"Ask Tord"

"He isn't here :-:"

"Count the stars"

"But it's afternoon!"

"Yeah so that makes zero people to help you"

Heheheheh... I can't think of anything anymore i was gonna make this a lemon but NO ;-; author chan is lazy right now.

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