Eduardo x Reader : Crown the prince (Sad)

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Ringo  x Reader
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N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
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S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Requested by Zombeh_Tord

Your Pov
Sitting on the comfy couch sighing looking around our used to be our house I heard sobbing and footsteps going to me.

"Mommy will he come back?" My child mark asking his hair was little dirty from the accident that HAPPEND earlier he just lost his little brother Jon, that kid was my favorite he wasn't really the smart type but he makes our family smile and laugh.

But not really smile all the time he make mistakes often asking what is it or why everytime he ask what he sees its really funny but I wouldn't say to duray , duary wasn't that happy with our child Jon Eduardo would yell at him and I would calm him down and make my child stop crying.

I looked Mark straight into his eyes holding his hand softly not ever hurting him salty little tears falling out his eyes from missing his little bro I sighed.

"I'm not sure about that mark.." I replied sighing again and his eyes shifted and he took a step back.

"WHY HE WONT COME BACK?!?" He yelled tears are rapidly falling out his eyes falling into the solid ground making wet little marks on it.

Tears start to fall out of my eyes to "Because he's in a better place now" I said softly trying to calm down mark from this thank god eduardo wasn't here to cry and yell to at him because he was busy making something that he didn't ask before he left.

"YOU ALWAYS SAY THAT WHEN WE PASS THE CEMETERY! WHY CANT HE COME BACK?!?" He yelled again his voice almost cracking he's not used to shouting at all.

He ran away from me while I just watched closely every step he make makes my heartbeat stop almost I just quickly turned and heard a click I stopped crying and stood up to a shining frame from the sun.

I slowly got it and look it was our family photo when we first move in this neighbor hood Eduardo didn't trust his neighbors he didn't like Edd either he would see me hanging out with him he would grunt and shove me away from Edd from talking from him.

I sighed I looked at Mark on the photo he was smiling and putting his hands on his brothers shoulders Jon was happy.

I smiled.

But it quickly turned into a frown.

Why does every life end with a crash?

Time goes so fast in the end we get tragedy results.....

This family has fallen apart already..

I slammed the photo to the ground crying and screaming this family has been a lot of trouble..


That voice, made me turn my head crying I rushed up to the person crying into their chest while they shush me quietly petting my h/c hair telling me it's okay..

"It's okay honey let it all out...." he softly said still petting my hair while I cry into his chest.

"This family has fallen apart..." I softly said still crying and he stopped petting my hair hesitating for a moment thinking what to make his wife smile again and not to worry that much.

"It didn't.. I saw what happened with Mark and you I hear everything.. you tried your best to calm him down but it didn't work instead he ran off to cry somewhere.." he spoke "this family hasn't fallen yet now let's go get Mark and I'll go make a crown.." he said again I nodded we walked and walked and found Mark sleeping his back on the tree.

Snoring softly hugging his brothers hat which it was a burn it was jons favorite hat I smiled and carried Mark surprisingly he hold into the hat while I was carrying him.

"Duray you done?" I asked looking at my well build husband (DAYUM) who was working on the crown his fingers covered in gold paint and he panted and nodded to me I smiled.

"Wake up mark we need to put this to the prince"

I nodded and softly woke up Mark he didn't yell again he got of my arms and hold my hand holding on to my hand softly looking at me "where are we going mommy?" He asked "we're going to visit the prince.." I said walking Eduardo guiding us..


He just nodded and look straight ahead (maybe at Eduardo's big ass :> ) as we got there Eduardo sighed and tears falling out his eyes while looking at his name.

Jon L/N

"I may be not a good father to you Jon when I first heard you got hit that broke my heart you may take me as a bad father but I wasn't I'm terribly sorry for what I have said to you forgive me my son.." he said looking at the gravestone infront of him.

"Your not a bad father I know why you do it and I forgive you father.." ( GUESS WHOS THIS :) )

As he said that he placed the well painted golden crown on top of the grave stone backing away.

"Jon.. Mark wants to talk to you.."

Mark looked at me and I nodded he took a step forward and cried touching the gravestone with his warm hands. "Hey Jon! Mommy told me your in a better place I don't know if what mommy said is true but I guess it is! I hope you be happy where ever you are! Never forget us please!" He said hugging the gravestone dropping the favorite hat of Jon to the green grass.

" I wouldn't say that or forget you! Even though you don't hear me nor see me you will be my favorite brother in the world! What mom said is true! :) "

It was my turn mark went to Eduardo hugging him and crying while Eduardo cried also I looked at the grave stone and smiled yet cried "hey Jonny boy remember that nickname I gave you? I think you remember that nickname I know you do.. I know your watching us right now every step we did I know you can hear us but we can't hear or see you right now but I wanted to say I hope you happy in heaven..." I softly said tears falling making little soft thuds on the ground I wiped my tears away and look at Eduardo and nodded.

He nodded at me to.

"Oh you knew mommy! I'm happy at this place but it's not the same without you Mark and daddy... I miss you but I want to go back... and I remember that nickname please never forget me mom!"

And Eduardo walked with crying Mark, walking back to the car stepping on the grass to the car I heard something behind me I look and see a blue ghost Jon nodded at me and smiled and said with these words...

"Thank you for crowning the prince mom.."

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