Eddsworld Crew! X Reader : come back home... (Final)

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Eddsworld crew X Reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie
B/N = Bully name
O/F = Online friend
D/B = Dog breed

Add More soon~
Requested by the author of the story
Your Pov

I placed down my fork and spoon on my plate and called the waiter.As the waiter went to me asking 'what do you need ma'am?' He asked and I told him "the bill please" I replied and he nodded and left.I took out my phone and listen some music while I wait.

And I heard the door opened, leaving a familiar voices as they walk inside the restaurant, "Edd why here? You know you and Matt will get emotional because it's her favorite place to eat!" I quickly turned my head meeting three hooded figures, One blue,green and lastly purple with a green overcoat? That can't be them..... right?

Am I dreaming or that blue hooded guy sounds like Tom I used to know?

And I saw the two guys break down into tears,"Y/NNNN!!!!!!" They cried while the middle one who I'm guessing the blue one was slightly bored, While the green and purple one hugged the blue one who was bored crying into his hoodie sobbing.

"Guys! We're in public for fucks sake!" I heard the blue one yelled who were soaking his hoodie by the tears."THEN WHY YOU TAKE US TO THIS PLACE?!?!?" They replied never letting go of his hoodie which is literally soaked...

"ME?!?!? YOUR THE ONE WHO DRAGGED ME INTO THIS!" The blue one said coldly at them."NO I DIDNT!!!!" The green one only replied to him because the other one the purple one, which I'm guessing he was staring at me sobbing.

"Umm sir..." the manager spoke at the blue one."Hmmm?" Blue one asked avoiding eye contact with the manager.. and I walked up to the manager who I think its author chan... "Ayrish what's going on?" Looking at my friend who has a bored expression clearly , she has experience this many times already.

"Can you please calm your kids down?" She asked... and I couldn't hesitate to laugh at her what she said to him. As she spoke that the blue one turned red "THIS ARE NOT MY KIDS GOD DAMMIT!" He yelled "Sir! Calm down!" And the green one and Purple one are staring at me. "IM HAVING TROUBLE CALMING DOWN IS SHITS AND YOUR TELLING ME IM THEIR DAD OR MOTHER?!? WHAT KIND OF SHIT IS THIS?!?" He yelled "T-Tom calm down!" Asked he green one calming his angered friend.

"OH YOUR DONE CRYING IM FUCKING OUT!" And that one said the blue one left the restaurant and making the green one followed him and the purple left behind."Y/n?" He spoke and as he spoke the green one grabbed his arm and fled "I ALMOST FORGOT YOU! COME ON WE NEED TO FIND TOM! AND WE NEED TO FIND TORD!" I heard he green one yelled.I heard the manager sighed "you know it's more funnier if I write it on wattpad than experiencing on real life..." I heard her said.

"But wait you said about his kids is hilarious!"

"I thought he was gay.... or just he adopted them because I have seen a lot of gay shit around here..."

"No kidding?" I replied and she shook her head. She clearly wasn't joking... and I went silent.."well here " she handed me my change "how did you kno-" "my employee... " and she walked away leaving me here realizing what the fuck happened just now...

I just shrugged it off and got my phone and put it inside of my backpack and got my suitcase and went out the doors."BETTER NOT FIND GAY SHIT!" I heard Ayrish say I just laughed and start heading outside of the airport.

Once I got out of the airport I found the hooded men from earlier and the red hooded guy that I pushed.."you know I found a girl similar to Y/n,...." I heard the red one say "You did wow! Me to!" The purple one said.

"Hey isn't that the girl from earlier?" I heard the blue one say and the others turned their heads to me and look closely and tears started to fall.



"Tord Matt Tom and Edd?" I replied.

And the blue one eyes widen as Tord matt and Edd tackled me into a warm hug."IT IS YOU!" They yelled smiling yet soaking my clothes "HA! I'm not the ONE WHO IS SOAKED NOW!" I heard Tom yelled "BUT YOUR KIDS ARE SOAKING ME!!!!" I replied "FUCK!" I heard him say.... "WE MISS YOU Y/N!" I heard them say not tom.

I smiled sweetly and replied "I miss you to"

It's great to come back home....

Oiiiiiii why every fucking week i update feeling of it idk... and I change the title because I have no any idea for the separate ways to be one with the characters.... ehhh

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