Tom and Jon - blue in every way

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Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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REQUESTED BY @Melody_MysteryYT
I did this first because I like her request
Your  Pov
It was 6:00 am Tom and Jon were fighting I hear them because IM FUCKING IN THE MIDDLE OF EDDS AND EDUARDOS HOUSE! I hear Jon no will love you no one will love a fork no one love eyeless freak! I keep hearing that stuff and they keep telling me for an opinion  which is better puppies or kitties? Bass or ukulele? Chocolate or flowers? I sighed and I looked at the window seeing if there's chaos I sighed and slid into my F/C ripped jeans and white snickers I headed out and see Tom and Jon fighting over this 'Girl' their talking about and I see tom holding a kitten while Jon is holding a puppy AWW THEIR CUTE!  and they noticed me and blushed "Hi? Fighting over this girl again?" I asked they nodded "I'm asking her which is better puppies or kittens?" I rolled my eyes  "Puppies and kittens are cute but I think she will pick either or neither because it's so cute chandler she can't pick" I told them and Jon looked down "But puppies are playful!" And Tom "KITTENS ARE THE SOURCE OF CUTENESS!" He yelled "NO INE WILL LIKE A KITTEN THEY WILL GET FUR ON THEIR CLOTHES!" "OH YEAH?! PUPPIES WILL BITE!" "NOO! HOW DARE YOU! PUPPIES ARE CUTER THAN KITTENS AND YOU LOOK LIKE A FORK!" "WELL SHUT UO TAZEY BEAR EYES!" I rolled my eyes "WHY WONT YOU TWO SHUT UP! THIS GIRL YOUR TALKING ABOUT WILL NOT BE HAPPY!" I yelled make them shut up.

Their heads turn to me "Sorry..." Jon said quietly "Sorry" Tom said I sighed "I'll be going talk to this 'Girl' your talking about " Tom sighed "But your the girl were talking about" Tom said I blushed their talking about me? "Well Y/N you have to pick because we need to know who you love more.." Tom added and Jon nodded shyly "respect my choice okay guys?" They noddd "I love....


"I love Jon" Y/N said and Jon hugged her accidentally dropped the puppy he was holding while ago "Sorry Tom friends?" She told Tom he was about to tear up but he fight it and nodded and hugged Tom and kissed Jon on the lips and left tom who was alone heartbroken and walked home and Jon and Y/N pulled away from the kiss "I love you Jonny~ I'm glad I pick you~"

"I love Tom!" And she hugged Tom and kissed him on the cheek while Jon was looking down sadly "I'm sorry Jon friends?" She held a hand to Jon he nodded and shake her hand and let go and Jon was walking home sadly no one will love him the abused one the tazed eyes the innocent and Y/N looked into Tom's Black sockets and kissed him and Tom returned the kiss and they pulled away "I love you Tom~ I'm glad I pick you~'

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