Devil Tord - Burning Love

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Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Requested by EddsworldQueen
Your Pov
You and F/N were super SUPER bored at the moment to lazy to do something or go outside even your friends are busy Edd went out shopping tom the bar matt is doing something and tord I haven't seen him since the robot incident of his and we have no one to play with "IM BORED AS FUCKING HELL!" I yelled F/N nodded "Hey? How about let's go to hell?" She/He asked I rolled my eyes "There's no away we can go to hell we should be dead" I told him/her she/he rolled his/her eyes and searched with her phone and he/she gasped and showed me I rolled my eyes and told her to show me if that's real he/she clicked on it and I heard cracking noises.

A large red elevator came up front of my couch of MY COUCH! My jaw dropped And F/N wiggled her/his eyebrows if she/he was. Right I sighed and gave 15 bucks to f/n she/he cheered because when she/he was right i should give 15 bucks and we stepped inside the elevator thingy.


"Are we at the bottom yet?" F/N asked "Wow Hell is really far down" I told her/Him and we hit the bottom making us fall on the ground and the doors opened I blushed in embarrassment and we stepped inside a room? I thought this was hell I looked at the doors "Hey which door is it?" I asked f/n pointed to the 'VISITORS' door we went inside and it was all red bloody and fiery and we looked down to the pit there's a lot of demons,sinners,people getting killed I sighed in terror and F/N was smiling what the fuck?! I looked at her again she was holding a camera WHERE DID SHE/HE GET THE FUCKING CAMERA?!

I sighed and left F/N picture all by herself/himself I explored first I went to the gift shop then the restaurant and I heard my phone vibes I checked it it was F/N selfie with a demon I wish that demon good luck I giggled and headed to the hells I see a demon holding a book or a magazine and he looked at me "Oh visitors no Girl Scouts" he sighed and did the thing "I AM LUCIFER LORD OF HELL!" He shouted and I nodded and showed me to my Hell I saw my name and I opened the door to look.

It was the robot incident I was injured pretty badly tord confessed to me before the incident and he told me 'I never loved you' and it's been hell wait I'm in hell.. and I cried a bit and closed the door and I heard someone chuckled I shrugged and go back to f/n because the demons will fucking kill themselves as I was walking I see a horn popping out? Nyeh I heard him laughed and pounced on me I checked who or what is it it was tord..


"Hello~" he smirked


And he let go I cried and he noticed and tried to hug me but I shoved him away from me "YOU LIED TO ME ABOUT YOUR FEELINGS TOWARDS ME!" I yelled at him his face soften "It wasn't a lie..." he said I didn't believe him I started walking away from him but he grabbed my hand and pulled my into a kiss I blushed and he smirked and I kissed back roughly so he can let go of me once he pulled away I blushed he blushed a little FUCKING HELL LITTLE BLUSH?! "I'm sorry for lying to you and I shouldn't have  done that.." his face saddens I smirked and kissed him again he jumped a little and kissed me back "I love you~" I said he smirked and said I love you to and I told him we should find F/N because lucifer  might kicked her/him out of hell..

Yay I can do @Melody_MysteryYT request

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