Teacher!Matt x Student!Reader : see me after class (cringy)

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Rip there's no fucken matt teacher pic :-:
Future Tom X depressed! Reader x Tom
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie
B/N = Bully name
O/F = Online friend
D/B = Dog breed

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Requested by the author of this story :3
The Ginger's Pov
Walking down the halls with the girls looking at me lovestruck this happened every day.... same hours... they never get tired of it but one girl never stares at me or even look at me lovestruck among the girls who loves me...

I was heading to my classroom but I noticed I heard a laugh I looked to see a group of fan girls of mine beating up someone "HAHAH! WHORE!!!" They spoke I dropped my books I don't care about them I cared about the girl.. who is getting beaten I rushed to the girl I pushed the fan girls away from them


The fan girls sayi rolled my eyes and I helped the girl up she was the one who didn't like me or even stare at me like the other girls did she was Y/N
L/N my best student... as I was day dreaming or thought about something I realized she has a scratch I got my band aid from my pocket and placed it on the scratch. "Are you okay?!?" I asked her.

<><>Your Pov<><>

"Are you okay?!?" Mr. Hargreaves said I nodded and he sighed and stand up and he glared at the girls who were lovestruck staring at him I rolled my eyes and stand up and grabbed my books and he went to me and whispered something to my ear

"See me after class.." he spoke and left I blushed and I heard the girls growled. at me I chuckled at them and I grabbed my books and head off to class


"Alright class you better finish your homework by the end of the day okay?" Mr Hargreaves said and the others groaned while I. Nodded and Mr. Hargreaves smiled at me.


The other girls said while I rolled my eyes and the others get up while the girls get up and wink at the teacher and I sighed and get up and got my books and stand up and waited for the others to leave once they leave I went to Mr. Hargreaves "You wanted to see me Mr. Hargreaves?" And he chuckled "call me Matthew or Matt but not in front of the class" he said I nodded "so... matt..." I spoke and he smiled and kissed me I blushed and I hesitated to kiss back and he smirked and pull away from the kiss he gave me.

"Wait.. a student and a teacher is not allowed to date matt..." I said even tho I wanted to break the rule to be with him and he shook his head "Rules... rules... I don't care as long I'm with you" I smiled "I love you Matthew" I said and he smiled "I love you to Y/N"

And this is fucken CRINGY Lol this chapter is for my school STARTING OF FUCKEN SCHOOL!!! Start of my school June 15.... ....... so slow updates on stories..... so... yeah.... ._. Bai

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