Corrupt! edd x corrupt! Reader : unexpected apology

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Y/n = your name!
L/n = your last name!
E/c = your eye color!
H/l = hair length!
H/c = hair color!
F/c = favorite color!
F/m = favorite movie!
F/b = favorite book!
F/d = favorite drink
F/f = favorite FUUD!!!!!
/Requested by AyiAyi2!/
(Warning this sucks! Turn back!! :-: )

You had a weird disease... your eyes your mouth will poke out some f/c toxic stuff out of your eyes and mouth what causes this to poke out or appear is when your Sad, scared , angry and annoyed rarely you have these when your at your house, movie house and edds house but mostly at the movie house you wanna know why?

Because there's always turns whenever you and the gang goes to the movies you couldn't pick because they might groan or suggest another one whenever you pick a movie mostly  tom and tord would pick action and horror that means it would make you scared and you would cry at the actors who are really dramatically dying or some sort of sad scene...

Well whoever made the movie which tom or tord would pick well... Tord or Tom would complain about it in the middle or completely random time while the scenes where playing but since you had a disease it made you super sensitive you would cry at a simple thing! Example : you saw a dead bird little tears would fall out of your eyes....wait I meant little f/c goo stuff fall out of your eyes and mouth...

What an disease that the author made since the fucking author couldn't think of any disease or an idea because she was busy reading some fucking smut and role playing with Tasha or something that makes the author completely forgetting other ideas for her requests!

Well let's just skip that..... so........... how's life treating you? (Shouldn't we go to the story?) I hope bad because I have been suffering wait never I didn't suffer I only suffer at classes lmao... WELL IM DONE TALKING ABOUT MY LIFE NOW LETS TALK ABOUT YOUR DAMN LIFE SHALL WE?



No seriously ... just scroll down...

[=+^*+=] Moving On brought you by Tord dancing in a bikini lmao

Your Pov

"Edd!" I called out to him he turned his head facing me not getting out from the comfy couch he was sitting on right now "want some cola?" I asked opening the fridge receiving a cold wind brush on my skin making me shiver a little geez... they might overuse the damn electricity again! I said to myself without saying any word.

And I heard Edd laughing from his couch "why are we friends? Oh I meant best friends? You clearly forgot my favorite thing!" He laughed throwing the finished can of cola to the rubbish bin which he was trying to shoot as like he was a basket ball player trying to score his goals.

Well it missed and it was blocked my broken mirrors and some paper sheets, blue prints and broken Smirnoff bottles I swear if they don't take out the trash again...I sighed and managed to stay calm after his words escaped from his soft lips , he laughed again "Of course silly yes to cola forever! It's like my 1 favorite thing in the whole world!" He shouted like he was doing a speech in front of thousands of people.

I got his cola from his fridge and turned to him not stepping a foot on the floor "You know what you didn't fucking knew I'm so sensitive! 'WHY ARE WE FRIENDS?!?' 'CLEARLY FORGOT?!?' " I threw the cola can across the room with my full strength it hit the wall with a slight crack on the wall Edd looked at me realizing he had forgotten I'm sensitive even the smallest thing when he tells me 'Why are we friends?' While he was realizing I broke down into f/c color goo stuff slowly running down my tinted pink cheeks..

"I'm so sorry!" He shouted stood up from his seat rushing over me trying to make me calm this is the 4th time he done this to me!

I'm not facing anymore break downs from him! As he almost grabbed me I slapped his hand away from me seeing him eye widen and I raced to my room and locked it completely hearing footsteps coming outside from my door I plopped to my bed and do a curl on it.

F/c goo spread on the bed I couldn't open my mouth it will just spread more..the more I cry the more f/c slime thing fall out of my e/c eyes!

"Umm... Y/n are you in here?" Someone asked not inside but outside of my room.

I sniffles trying to stop the goo from spreading across my bed "yeah who's asking?" I said between sniffs.

"This is Edd.."

"What do you want! " I shouted at the door making my curl break from its form a bit "can I have a talk with you?" He asked knocking on the brown door I sniffed again "you may..." I told him.

"But how.." he replied with a slight confusion on his tone.

I laughed a bit "You do not know how to open a door wow it's basic 101.." I laughed "teach me oh wise one!" He praised still outside of my door "oh wise one! Teach me how to open a damn locked door!" He gave me a hint and I stood up from my bed and opened the door removing the lock from it.

I revealed a kneeling cola addict on his knees making a praise one "oh wise one thank you for opening the gate way!" He said trying to make it sound he's praising but failed he laughed.

As the f/c goo fell to the ground with a thud which was the last one since I'm not sad anymore as the laughter died down..

"Look I'm sorry..."

"I'm sorry to.."

We said and Edd stood up and smiled at me causing me to blush a bit I think Edd didn't notice but I did blush...

"I want you to meet someone y/n!" He smiled "I hope you like her like I do so!" He added...

Does he meant his girlfriend?

"Who I-is it" I asked him and he sighed "My girlfriend!" He exclaimed with a hearted smile on his face "where is she?" I asked him again and he sighed and kissed me on the lips his soft lips against my lips it felt so perfect...

We pulled away for air

"H-huh?!?" I blushed madly



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