Edd and Mark ~ Two unique idiots

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There's no picture of them so why not crop them together
Edd X reader x Mark
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Requested by @Melody_MysteryYT
Your Pov
It isn't very easy to be friends with edds gang and Eduardo's gang they have a thing called fighting they would tell me to choose to hang out with them all this fighting just for hanging out not quite they ask also something else like 'Which is better Diet Coke or Cola?' 'Books or Movies?' 'Green or purple?' 'Edd or Eduardo?' 'Matt or Mark' it's so hard to choose you know?

Because they are your best friends you met the Edds gang first at kinder garden talk about child hood friends then you meet Eduardo and his gang at middle school they were sweet until they knew about me and Edd hanging out with his friends they disapproved but except Jon the lil cinnamon roll.

They keep telling me except for Jon he doesn't know a thing what was going on Eduardo and mark are telling me 'Don't hang with those losers!' 'Don't hang out with them read books with me!' 'Come on Y/N leave them!' And until one day Edd and his friends saw me hanging out with them same attitude well Tom doesn't care a thing he doesn't care at all and I was wondering why am I friends with him since he doesn't care? Oh yeah he was sweet back them then what happened to him? Oh he's been drinking since his fathers death or something...

And tord? He's been flirting with me Edd and mark noticed this they got jealous either Edd would put his arm around me to shoo tord away from me and Mark would death glare tord whenever his around me or  something this happened every day in high school and when the school is over the others are thinking about moving with them but Eduardo told them back off I live with them they fought who will live with them I let the battle but one day I see Edd with a black eye I asked him why he told me Eduardo punched him when I heard that I told them I'm leaving to visit (NAME OF COUNTRY) for a while because of their fighting when I left they told me they miss me and tell me to come back home I don't believe it I need them to stop fighting that's why I left the country anywho that's it for the back story.

Ok we're in my house middle of Eduardo's and Edd I bought the place before they moved in the household I wasn't lucky when I picked it every morning or night you hear arguing noises and something that keeps you up one time you told them to shut up hey did but after that day Mark and Edd Gave you a Cola can with a heart shape in the middle and Mark gave you a book with your favorite color and character in it you were grateful you had friends you can't stay,mad at them forever.

Anywho it's today Valentine's Day (I KNOW ITS NOT VALENTINES DAY BUT WHY NOT THE FUCK NOT?! IT MAKES IT BETTER) where everybody gives their love something for their love like flowers chocolates teddy bears or give something to them as a valentines gift Tord was giving his valentines gift to Ayrish Tom I don't know I don't see him hanging around with anyone... Except his friends and me Matt to his mirror Edd I don't know Eduardo? He can't get any girl Jon? Oh I don't know her but Jon has been hanging around with someone Mark? I think he has tho.

Any ways.... I was in my house watching (favorite anime)(THAT IS NOT HENTAI ) and I heard a knock on my door I went to see who or what is it I checked but I was blocked by a teddy bear and flowers I looked it was Mark and Edd I thought they have someone I shrugged and asked them why me "Because when we I meant ME saw you coming back I was happy and kinda developed feelings for you" Edd spoke and Mark nodded in agreement I blushed and took the gifts "thanks you guys!" I hugged them and they hugged back I pulled away and tried to put this in my room but tried Edd grabbed my wrist before I go to my room "We need to know who you love Y/N" Mark spoke and Edd nodded I sighed "I love...


Marks Route
Mark" he looked at me and hugged me tightly I blushed at this feeling and try to breath because the hug was SO tight he noticed this and he let go of the hug I breathed for air because he hugged me tightly and he said sorry I told him it was okay I looked at Edd who was crying I went to him and hugged him but I felt something glaring at Edd but Edd hugged back and I pulled away from the hug "I'm sorry Edd I can't pick you there's always someone out there for you" I told him he nodded and he told me I can keep the teddy bear he got me and he left and I heard "EDD HA! I WIN!" Mark shouted I smacked him because that was rude and I went to him and kissed him and he kissed back we pulled away from the kiss "I love you Mr. balls~" he blushed and noticed the nick name I gave him he rolled his eyes and kissed me again.

Edds Route
Edd" he looked at me and kissed me I blushed and I kissed back and we pulled away for air (DAMN U AIR) damn you air you ruined the moment! I thought I see Mark crying or sad look on his face I went to him and hugged him I felt like someone was glaring at someone but who cares I need to cheer mark up Mark hugged back and we pulled away from the hug that I gave him "I'm sorry Mark my heart belongs to Edd my Cola freak and sorry there might be someone for you that is better than me so friends?" I asked him he nodded I smiled and he smiled a bit and he told me I can keep the flowers he got me for this day Valentine's Day and he left me with my new boyfriend I turned to him smiling he returned the smile I peck him on the lips "I love you my Cola freak~" I smiled again "I love you to Y/N and can I have some Cola~?" He said "On,y if you kiss me~" and he kissed me.

Wow 300 reads Thank you! And I added myself to the story if you read Tom x reader and my Tord x reader I'm there XD it's Ayrish and thanks for the reads! :)

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