Neko Tom - Im taking care of you~

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Neko Tom X reader
Y/N = Your Name
H/L = Hair length
H/C = Hair color
E/C = Eye color
N/N = Nick Name
F/N = Friend Name
F/C = Favorite color
S/F/C = Second Favorite Color
F/D = Favorite Drink
F/F = Favorite Food
T/F = Type of Flower
F/S = Favorite song
F/M = Favorite Movie

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Your Pov
Walking down the street on my phone watching (fucken YouTube channel) not paying attention to my surroundings as usual but I better be careful.... becuase I might trip.. or bump into people I'm not Exactly a social person I'm more like anti social.. no one wants to be my friend when ever I talk to them they walk away or ignore me I was a nobody..

I sighed and turned of my phone and walk around and huffed I was bored at the moment I don't know what to do because my phone was at 2% percent at the moment wow talk about using a lot... and I as I walk I heard a meow and I went where is it coming from I looked at the box? I looked inside what is it or something?....
I saw....


Hahha... not sorry but

A black cat?.... it was meowing it was a skinny belly I went to him or her?... is it a boy or a girl?..l I looked at him closely he noticed and look into my e/c orbs he or she had black eyes? Not black eyes just big black holes?.. is this a rare cat or something? I never seen this before... I looked around for his or her owner but no one... and it meowed I look at him or her with sadness with my eyes.. I pick up the box and he meowed and I smiled "I'm taking care of you~"

And he meowed happily and we went back home with my new pet once we got there I placed the box down and the cat looked around and went out of the box and went to the kitchen maybe he or she found something? And I followed it.. because I don't know the fucken gender..

I saw him meowing something he was or she was staring at something I looked where it was meowing.. it was pointing at my Smirnoff? I looked back at him with confusion and he meow with sadness I rolled my eyes does cats drink Smirnoff? I'll guess I'll find out and I got my Smirnoff and got a bowl and pour the Smirnoff he was meowing happily again I smiled and placed the bowl down and it rushed to the bowl and drank.

I sighed and I watched it drank and once he or she wait FUCKEN IT was done drinking the Smirnoff and I looked I picked it up and it was a boy... hmm.... "you need a name..."
I went to the couch and placed him on my lap and pet it he purrred and I smiled and I was thinking of a damn name.. for him... hmmm.... HMMMMMMM..

He hissed at the name..
Hissed again
"Tummy,.. Tommy... Tom..."
"TOM!" He jumped I giggled "Tom~ perfect~" and he purred
And I smiled
And fell asleep so did tom..


It's been a week since I got tom from the box it's pretty been awesome actually he doesn't drink only Smirnoff if it's water he will not drink it wow talk about a weird cat..and I would play songs and whenever he hears it he came where the song was coming from and purred and watched me play and one time I left the house he went I front of me and meowed he doesn't  want to get lonely I can't go out of he house at all..

Because he will meow and one time I left him and when I came back he was meowing like crying... and he would sleep on my bed and meow and I keep hearing rustling noises and low voices coming from my bathroom when I checked it was my tom? And I rolled my eyes maybe the neighbors again..

And I was going to the kitchen to make f/f and I get the ingredients for it and I placed the water and tom was watching me cook I smiled and got back to cooking and I heard a thump I looked it was tom trying to get to he table I giggled and he tried and I heard a shriek I looked and panic I only see a guy..

And I looked closely he has black eyes like my tom I raised an eyebrow he had brown hair and black eyes and... I was blushing..

I just realized....

He didn't have any clothes....

And he looked at me and blushed "do you have any spare clothes I can borrow" I nodded and he went to my room HOW THE HELL HE KNOWS MY ROOM?! And I realized fuck... "LITTLE TOM!" I yelled trying to find him and I heard footsteps I looked it was the man wearing my sweater... it was to tight for him I giggled and back to searching and I noticed and I glared and him and picked him by the color of my sweater "WHERE THE FUCK IS MY TOM?!" I yelled at him he jumped and sighed "I'm your tom" I rolled my eyes "prove it" I told him and I let go of him and he turned into my tom "WHAT THE FUCCC----


It's been 8 weeks since the tom being my cat thing I'm very used to his company we talked and told about his life.. he got lost and tried to find someone and he found me I'm glad I found him I smiled and he smiled and I told him I'm going to play my guitar he nodded and watched some tv and i went to my room and sang (favorite song here) the voices bounced off the room... it can be heard..

And Tom came to my room blushing I placed down my guitar and I raised and eyebrow and asked him and he blushed darker than ever I sighed and asked him what is it "May I have a treat~?" He said seductively yet shuttering I blushed..


Tom was lonely because I keep leaving the house hmm.. I think I should buy him I Friend I went to the pet shop and bought a white cat and brought him home yes it is a he and I went home with him and opened the door and tom rushed in to me and raised an eyebrow "this is your brother!" I smiled and he shook his head like he was dreaming I smiled and I placed him down to play and I swear if it's like tom a neko.. I sighed and got Smirnoff.

"Hey that's mine!" Tom yelled I giggled and got a bowl and placed it and put it on the ground "THATS NOT HOW YOU FEED CATS!" He yelled I widen my eyes and the cat went to the bowl "I THOUGHT CATS LIKE SMIRNOFF!!!" I yelled back "THATS ONLY FOR ME!," he yelled "WELL FUCCK!!!" I yelled. "WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME SOONER?!" I added and tom just fucken shrugs and the cat drank it "SHIT SHIT SHIT SHITTTTT"

Oh meh gawd update XD I fucken publish already stupid hands this is an update cuz I update the other one that is not finish don't kill me :-:

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