Tom x reader ; once i was seven years old....

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^Flashback from the past^

"Heheh!" A fit of laughter escape their rosy lips, they were playing tag under the shining light. "You can't catch me! For I! I'm faster than you!" They laughed.

Running around in circles they became tired and panted over and over again.

"Née.. I think Tommie bear needs food..." they spoke as they pointed at the brown bear sitting untouched on the beach. "Your right!" Exclaimed Little tom at his friend smiling brightly.

They smiled to.

Little tom carried the bear in his arms , both of them little tom and his friend walked and walked smiling up to their moms who were talking.

"We should arrange a play date!"

"Your right!"

"Women are always right!"


Tom looked at his dad and laugh while his friend was getting biscuits from her bag, that was being carried by her mom.

"Tom!" Yelled the child as they eat biscuits together , tom had something on his mind he drugged into his pocket. And pulled out a f/c bracelet with a half heart and gave it to them. "Here!"

"Oh is it for me? " (OF COURSE ITS FOR YOU! WHAT YOU EXPECT TOM TO GIVE IT TO A RANDOM STRANGERRRR) and tom. Nodded his head and placed it on their wrist. Tom was also wearing the same but it was blue. "These are charm bracelets!" Tom got his and their half hearts and place them together " they create a heart!" They smiled.



Tom was walking home in the rain, he stumbled upon a bus station. He sat down on the seat grumbling cruse words for not bringing an umbrella. He sighed he went to the bar to forget about his past...

A person from their life had been taken away from him.... tom looked at the bracelet that he has wearing for years. That's the only thing that reminded him of them...

Walking... walking... footsteps coming...

A person same as his , stand beside the bus stop sign looking left and right probably looking for the bus to get somewhere away...

The person grunted and sat the seat beside tom their hand on their cheering resting it..

Tom looked at them and rolled his non existent eyes, something caught his eye it was shining, he looked at the shining thing. It was a half heart and a bracelet was a darker shade of color.

Tom thought to himself 'it can't be...' his mind go on and on , on theories about this person. While Tom was staring. They turned around to see him staring on the boo— I mean the bracelet.

They asked "anything wrong sir?" They said as they looked at him, he was snapped form his thoughts and looked at them. Their face...

"Umm nothing! I couldn't help but you looked familiar... have I met you before?" Tom asked waiting their answer.

"You also! And why were you staring at my bracelet earlier?" They said holding up the bracelet. Tom replied "it's just it's the same like the one I gave to someone when I was little... I also had the bracelet..." he held up a blue one "do you perhaps know them?"

They were hesitant so they gave in.

"Long time no see tom I see you haven't changed a bit"


After that incident Tom and Y/n catches up on their basic boring life.

Doing some old habit of theirs since they were little... eating biscuits... running around the park, sleeping together, and Tommie bear..

After that months past after several dates.. yes dates... they have been a couple already flirts here and there, fights....

But right now isn't the time...

Tom was horny....

Tom got his phone and texted...

Tom Ridgewell : come here so I can punish you right now

Tom was waiting for their darling to reply...

Is typing......

Tom was feeling nervous he shouldn't have texted them that.... he thinks he made a mistake sending it.... after all it isn't his fault he's horny

Tord larsson : when~?

Tom Ridgewell : Y/N?

Tord larsson : Thomas! I didn't know you were gay!

Tom Ridgewell ; I'm not... commie... I sent his to you accidentally....

Tord larsson: .... hmm... you didn't... so come to my room and shove that cock into me~

Tom Ridgewell : EWW FUCK NO!

Tord larsson ; and by the way~ I I screenshot this and sent it to Y/N their probably crying right now... they didn't knew your gay~

Tom Ridgewell : COMMIEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!

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